Sony again lowers PlayStation 5 sales forecast due to chip shortage

Sony still doesn’t seem to be able to solve the PlayStation 5 shortage.According to its latestfinancial report, in the most prosperous quarter of the year, PS5 shipments were only 3.3 million units.This achievement brings its cumulative total shipments to 17.3 million units, but it has sold well during the same period of its life cycle. 20.2 million unitsCompared with the PS4, the new generation of consoles is already a lot behind. Of course, the biggest reason for this is the supply shortage during the epidemic. Company CFO Hiroki TotokiIt is pointed out that consumers have considerable enthusiasm for PS5 purchases, but the sales dilemma caused by the lack of chips may not be relieved this year (especially in the first half of the year).

With this in mind, Sony down once moreThe full-year shipment forecast for the PS5 dropped to 11.5 million units, down from 14.8 million previously. Correspondingly, the full-year revenue forecast for the Games and Internet Services segment was also reduced to $1.48 billion. However, profits are expected to edge up by 6%, because Sony has long said that the PS5 hardware is being sold at a discount. But in the just past fiscal third quarter, the gaming segment still contributed the most, with a total of $7.09 billion in revenue. Operating profit rose 12.1% to $810 million, although it was down from $7.703 billion in the same period a year ago.

In addition, the imaging department also performed well, with its revenue increasing by 22% every year, mainly due to the huge demand for photosensitive elements in the mobile phone market. The revenue of the film department also rose to 4.02 billion US dollars, and the biggest contributor was “Spider-Man: Homeless Day”/”Spider-Man: No Fight, No Home”.



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