Songs on Instagram can be added directly to Spotify, here’s how – CNN Indonesia

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Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Instagram And Spotify announced collaboration between the two applications in the form of integration which will make things easier for their users.

With this collaboration, users can directly add songs found on Instagram to their Spotify library list with one tap.



“Starting today, Spotify is excited to launch a new integration with Instagram that makes it even easier to grab and directly add songs to Spotify from Instagram with just one simple tap,” Spotify said, citing 9to5 MacMonday (21/10).

Basically, when users see a post or Story on Instagram that contains a song, they can tap on it to get more information and also add it to Spotify without leaving the app.

A new button appears right next to the player to listen to song previews on Instagram.

For this new feature to work, users will need to link their Spotify account to Instagram. Songs added to Spotify will appear in the “Liked Songs” playlist and also in the “Your Library” tab.

This feature will recently be available for iOS and Android users. Here are the steps to add songs from Instagram directly to Spotify:

1. Update the app

Make sure the Instagram and Spotify applications installed on your device are the latest versions. This feature is only available in the latest versions of both apps.

2. Connect your Spotify account to Instagram

For the feature to work, make sure your Spotify account is connected to Instagram. Here’s how:

  • Go to “Settings” on Instagram
  • Select “Linked Accounts” and connect with Spotify.

3. Search for posts or stories with songs

When you see a post or Story on Instagram that plays a song, a new button will appear next to the song player to hear a preview.

4. Add songs to Spotify

  • Tap the button to get more information about the song
  • After that, you can immediately add the song to Spotify without leaving the Instagram application.

5. Song added to Spotify playlist

Songs you add from Instagram will automatically go to the “Liked Songs” playlist on your Spotify account. You can also find it in the “Your Library” tab.

6. Features on iOS or Android devices

This feature is available for iOS and Android device users. So, make sure you have updated your operating system if necessary.

This way, you can add your favorite songs from Instagram to Spotify easily, and explore more music from the artists you like.


[Gambas:Video CNN]

Instagram and Spotify: A Musical Match Made in Tech Heaven

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Well, well, well! If it isn’t our two favorite social hangouts, Instagram and Spotify, finally deciding to settle down together. I mean, it’s about time! But I suppose the question on everyone’s lips is—how long until they adopt a pet? Maybe a TikTok? This new integration promises to simplify our lives, probably just as much as a toaster strudel simplifies breakfast.

Now, let’s get down to the nitty-gritty. Starting today, Spotify is excited to roll out this shiny, new collaboration that allows us to save songs we scrolled past with the grace of a one-legged flamingo. With just one tap, you can now snatch your favorite tunes directly from Instagram into your Spotify library. It’s like stealing candy from a baby, but the baby is a brilliant social media giant!

How It Works: A Step-By-Step Guide

For those of you who might not be able to process technology without a PhD, don’t fret! Spotify has laid out easy steps to guide us through this new feature like a tour guide on a very exciting (if somewhat digitally induced) musical journey.

1. Update Your Apps

First things first, you need the latest versions of Instagram and Spotify. It’s like putting on your best outfit before a first date—no one wants to swipe right on a vintage app! And don’t worry; this isn’t like finding a needle in a haystack. Just check the app store like you check your ex’s Instagram stories.

2. Connect Your Accounts

Next, you need to play matchmaker by linking your Spotify account to Instagram. You can do this by going to “Settings” on Instagram. Just make sure you don’t accidentally connect it to your mom’s account—unless you want her to see your questionable taste in music!

3. Scroll for Songs

Once that’s done, you can now scroll through your feed to find those tantalizing posts and stories that play tunes. When you do, a button will magically appear next to the player! It’s like hitting the jackpot, but instead of cash, you get a song. Let’s hope it’s not “Wonderwall” again.

4. Add to Your Spotify

This is where it all comes together. You tap the button to feast on more info about the song, and—abracadabra—you can add it to your Spotify library without ever leaving Instagram. You can now collect songs like Pokémon cards, but with less shouting at the kids.

5. Songs in Your Playlist

Now, where do all these shiny new songs go? They head straight to your “Liked Songs” playlist, which is just delightful because it saves us from the guilt of deleting songs we regretted listening to at 2 AM! “What was I thinking?” you’ll ask. This feature is basically like having a digital therapist there—but for your musical decisions.

6. iOS and Android Users Rejoice!

This delightful feature is available for all iOS and Android users. You might want to ensure everything is up to date, though. You know how it is—nothing ruins a great night out like realizing your smartphone is living in 2015 while the rest of us are enjoying 2023.

With this integration, you can finally stop typing lyrics into Google to identify that elusive tune and then enduring a scrolling marathon on Spotify later. Instead, you can simply have your cake and eat it too. Or maybe the cake is a lie. Who knows, it’s 2023!

So there you have it! The latest and greatest in the world of social media and streaming. We live in a time when you can seamlessly go from scrolling through photos of brunch to blasting that season’s biggest hits—all without breaking a sweat. Keep those thumbs limber, folks!




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