Son bedridden for 11 years, parents seek right to die – World

A young man in the Indian state of Haryana has been bedridden for eleven years. Harish was an engineering student. On August 5, 2013, he fell from a building resulting in his loss of consciousness. He has been bedridden ever since.

Harish’s father Ashok and mother Nirmala wish to end their son’s life through euthanasia and donate his organs. Nirmala Rana says we are tired. Taking care of young son since eleven years. There is no guarantee of life now.

Nirmala Rana says I often get worried thinking that if we are gone, what will happen to our son, who will take care of him, will be able to continue his life.

In India, laws and ethical standards regarding euthanasia are very strict. Such appeals have been rejected.

In 2011, the Supreme Court rejected a euthanasia appeal for a nurse who had been bedridden for decades. Later, the Supreme Court ruled in 2018 that euthanasia can be considered if a person is in a condition where he cannot even move from the bed.