“Something has cracked” –

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Aldo Torchiaro

They had to chase away the old political nomenclature, they ended up creating a new one which then split, giving life to a little theater that has already been seen too many times. Today they are chasing each other, Beppe Grillo against Giuseppe Conte. The former no longer trusts the latter. And the former prime minister can’t wait to get rid of the Guarantor. “Something has irreversibly cracked,” Conte said in response to Vespa on his relationship with Beppe Grillo. «Humanly, I am very impressed by how he behaves. In the past he has already had poisonous attitudes towards me, which I did not give weight to because the interests of the community prevailed over everything. Contrary to what the newspapers write, the clash is not personalistic but sees Grillo fighting against his own community.”

M5s feud, Casaleggio's suspicion of Conte: Strange words..., what doesn't add up

Bitterness becomes resentment. «A world in reverse – someone vents – one in which Grillo is fired and in which many runaways support this infamy. They will return to the nothingness from which they came.” Between the termination of the contract and the official divorce, however, there is also the Constituent Assembly. At the end of this week, the working groups will define the questions that will then be put to the final vote of the Assembly scheduled for 23 and 24 November. Among these, also the question that would ask members to express their opinion on the cancellation of the role of guarantor. The real issue lies in the 300 thousand euro consultancy that Grillo has underway with the Movement, under “communication”, which is about to be cut. Or rather, it will not be renewed when it expires on December 31st. Grillo protests: “That contract is still ongoing.” For a little while longer. The heart of the problem lies upstream.

Star Wars ends up at the Court of Auditors: exposed for 300 thousand euros

There would be two registrations deposited with two notaries: one M5S political association from 2009 and one from 2017. Two acronyms MoVimento 5 Stelle with two symbols that are almost identical, almost superimposable. The lawyer who took care of the 2017 statutory registration is Andrea Ciannavei, lawyer of Grillo and until some time ago also of the M5S: «At the end of 2017, I registered the symbol of the Movement with a red circumference line, the writing MoVimento, the five yellow stars and the words ‘Blog of the Stars'”, he declares.
But be careful: there is still a statutory precedent that has never ceased. And a case could be opened on the electoral use of the symbol, when Grillo and Conte were not in the same boat. Everything went smoothly when Grillo placed his political creation in the hands of Luigi Di Maio. When Di Maio passed the baton to Conte, the trouble began.

Escalation M5s. Conte torpedoes Grillo, now the final duel on mandates and code of ethics

The former prime minister requests and obtains the move of the registered office to Via di Campo Marzio and begins to take power away from Grillo. Now the showdown is coming to an end. Danilo Toninelli, member of the Board of Arbitrators of the 5 Star Movement, disavows Conte and suggests that he embrace Grillo again. A psychodrama. Between the termination of the contract and the official divorce, however, there is also the Constituent Assembly. At the end of this week, the working groups will define the questions that will then be put to the final vote of the Assembly at the end of November. Among these, also the question that would ask members to express their opinion on the cancellation of the role of guarantor. Vaffa returns, like a boomerang, to those who invented it.

#cracked #Tempo

Interview with Political ‍Analyst Matteo⁤ Rossi on the Internal Struggles of Italy’s M5S Party

Editor: Welcome, Matteo. Thank⁢ you ​for joining us today to discuss the current tensions within Italy’s Five Star Movement (M5S). Can you begin by explaining ⁤the crux of the conflict between Beppe Grillo and Giuseppe Conte?

Matteo ​Rossi: Thank you for ⁢having me. The rift between Grillo and Conte has become quite pronounced recently. It stems from differing​ visions for the future of the M5S,​ which has been plagued by internal strife since‌ Conte ⁢took over its leadership. Grillo, as the party’s founder, is feeling sidelined and⁣ is clearly frustrated by Conte’s⁣ approach. ‍Conte has articulated that⁢ something has “irreversibly cracked” in their relationship, suggesting that their personal dynamics are affecting the party’s coherence.

Editor: Conte ⁢mentioned a lack of personal chemistry, indicating a deeper struggle ⁢that goes beyond mere political disagreements. How significant is this for ⁣the​ party’s future?

Matteo ‌Rossi: It’s very significant. ⁢The personal dynamics between key figures in‌ a political party often reflect broader‌ ideological⁤ divisions. Conte’s ​insistence that their clash is not ​personal‌ but rooted in community interests might resonate with supporters, but it could ⁤also deepen the divide among party members. As inner tensions rise,‌ particularly with looming decisions like the dissolution of Grillo’s role as guarantor and the upcoming Constituent Assembly, it raises questions about the party’s unity⁢ and ⁤its ability to navigate the political landscape effectively.

Editor: You mentioned the ⁢Constituent Assembly’s importance. ⁢What ⁣decisions are on ‍the table, and why are they critical now?

Matteo Rossi: The upcoming Assembly is crucial as it will address vital questions concerning the future⁣ structure of the M5S, such as potentially abolishing the role of guarantor, which is pivotal to Grillo’s influence. The party needs to​ consolidate its platform and restore cohesion; otherwise, it risks fragmentation. The decisions taken could ultimately redefine the party’s identity and its relationship with its members and the public.

Editor: We’ve also seen ⁤claims‌ about Grillo’s contract with the M5S not being renewed, stirring further discontent. How​ might this impact the party?

Matteo Rossi: Grillo’s⁢ contract being under scrutiny adds another layer of complexity.⁣ His consultancy role, valued at 300,000 euros, has been a point of contention. Should this not be renewed, it⁢ may further alienate Grillo from the party’s activities, intensifying the sense⁣ of betrayal amongst his supporters and potentially leading to ​a public fallout. It underscores the precarious balance of power within the party, and how⁢ financial and strategic decisions can lead to larger fractures.

Editor: As a political analyst, ‍how do you foresee the M5S evolving from this situation?

Matteo Rossi: The M5S​ stands at a crossroads. It can either find⁢ a way to reconcile​ its internal factions and emerge stronger or⁣ it risks splintering, which​ could lead to a collapse or significant weakening. The outcome largely hinges on whether they can maintain a shared vision amidst these conflicts. The decisions made over the ‍coming weeks, particularly regarding leadership and structure,‍ will be pivotal⁣ for their future in Italian politics.

Editor: Thank you, Matteo, for your insights on this pressing issue.⁣ We appreciate⁣ your perspectives on the dynamics⁢ within the M5S and⁣ their implications for⁤ Italy’s ‍political‍ landscape.

Matteo Rossi: Thank you for having me. It’s​ an interesting time in Italian politics, and I look forward to seeing how this plays out.
Interview with Political Analyst Matteo Rossi on the Internal Struggles of Italy’s M5S Party

Editor: Welcome, Matteo. Thank you for joining us today to discuss the current tensions within Italy’s Five Star Movement (M5S). Can you begin by explaining the crux of the conflict between Beppe Grillo and Giuseppe Conte?

Matteo Rossi: Thank you for having me. The rift between Grillo and Conte has become quite pronounced recently. It stems from differing visions for the future of the M5S, which has been plagued by internal strife since Conte took over its leadership. Grillo, as the party’s founder, feels sidelined and is clearly frustrated by Conte’s approach. Conte has articulated that something has “irreversibly cracked” in their relationship, suggesting that their personal dynamics are affecting the party’s coherence.

Editor: Conte mentioned a lack of personal chemistry, indicating a deeper struggle that goes beyond mere political disagreements. How significant is this for the party’s future?

Matteo Rossi: It’s very significant. The personal dynamics between key figures in a political party often reflect broader ideological divisions. Conte’s insistence that their clash is not personal but rooted in community interests might resonate with supporters, but it could also deepen the divide among party members. As inner tensions rise, particularly with looming decisions like the dissolution of Grillo’s role as guarantor and the upcoming Constituent Assembly, it raises questions about the party’s unity and its ability to navigate the political landscape effectively.

Editor: You mentioned the Constituent Assembly’s importance. What decisions are on the table, and why are they critical now?

Matteo Rossi: The upcoming Assembly is crucial as it will address vital questions concerning the future structure of the M5S, such as potentially abolishing the role of guarantor, which is pivotal to Grillo’s influence. The party needs to consolidate its platform and restore cohesion; otherwise, it risks fragmentation. The decisions taken could ultimately redefine the party’s identity and its relationship with its members and the public.

Editor: With all these internal conflicts and a potential split on the horizon, do you foresee any lasting impacts on the M5S’s electoral prospects?

Matteo Rossi: Absolutely. If the M5S cannot resolve these internal issues and present a united front, it could alienate voters who are looking for stability and clear leadership. The public perception of dysfunction can severely dampen electoral support. Additionally, if a faction leads to the emergence of a new party or movement, it could further fracture the political landscape in Italy.

Editor: Thank you, Matteo, for providing such valuable insights into the complexities facing the M5S. We appreciate your time and expertise.

Matteo Rossi: Thank you for having me. It was a pleasure to discuss this pressing issue.

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