“Some pieces are missing” –

Chiara Petrolini, the 21-year-old under investigation and accused of having buried her two newborn children in the garden of her house, in Vignale di Traversetolo, in the Parma area, and, in the case of the last born, also of voluntary homicide with the aggravating circumstance of premeditation, has decided to make use of the right not to answer in front of the investigating judge, this afternoon, at the interrogation of guarantee in the prosecutor’s office. For her lawyer, Nicola Tria, it was a “technical choice”, which does not mean that the young woman, at another time, “cannot again make statements or submit to an interrogation, as she also did in two circumstances previously, once presenting herself spontaneously and once being questioned.”

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At the prosecutor’s office today, she arrived around 2.30pm and left before 3pm, covering her face with a white sheet of paper and then with her jacket once she got into the car. “She was interrogated and I also believe that she nevertheless provided a contribution that was not at all irrelevant to the reconstruction of the facts – the lawyer specified -. The family, the whole family, asks that the confidentiality of each of its members be respected in some way. members, the suffering that this affair has caused and is causing and that the legitimate silence that they have decided to maintain at this moment is also respected”. For Tria, who described the case as a “tragic story from any point of view you want to look at it and particularly complex”, “some pieces are missing” from the story, even if he did not want to specify the reference.

“I have no intention of participating in parallel trials in the media, I have no intention of anticipating defensive choices or strategies – concluded the lawyer -. I believe, and I am firmly convinced, beyond your work (of journalists, ed.) and of the media outcry that, at this moment, there is on this matter, that the trials should be held in court, the only place, exclusively, in which responsibilities are ascertained and the facts are reconstructed”.

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The prosecutor’s office, a few hours before the interrogation, in a note, returned to the first press release, issued on 16 September, which intended to “try to identify a point of balance between three important aspects, such as the right to freedom of the press, secrecy investigation and the presumption of innocence”. “As for the media circus, we would like to point out that it is one thing to provide information on what happened, also by searching for sources of evidence around the country, but it is another thing to literally besiege the protagonists for days on end with cameras, microphones and notebooks. of the events, such as suspects, offended people, their families and their homes; by the way: because when there was the last inspection, aimed at digging up the suspect’s garden by the police and technical consultants, there was a drone of a television network that was trying to ‘spy’ on the operations, so much so as to induce the operators to protect the activities with sheets?”, we read in the note, which also underlines how there was “no attitude of indulgence” on the part of part of the prosecutor’s office, “having requested for her, twice, the most serious precautionary measure, thereby demonstrating the utmost rigor in the application of the law and in the judicial management of the case”. The investigating judge’s decision regarding the precautionary measure is awaited. The young woman is currently under house arrest, accused of premeditated murder and suppression of a corpse.

#pieces #missing #Tempo
2024-09-28 19:21:11



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