Some of the companies of “Vilniaus Prekydas” withdrew from the associations uniting the business | Business

According to the portal, Maxima LT, which manages the largest retail chain, previously participated in the activities of the Lithuanian Trade Companies Association and the Lithuanian Business Confederation, but is no longer a member of them. Akropolis Group, which was managing shopping centers at that time, withdrew from the Lithuanian Real Estate Development Association (LNTPA).

The director of Maxima LT’s communication and corporate relations department, Indrė Trakimaitė-Šeškuvienė, told “Verslo žinioms” that the company made the decision not to be a member of various associations, because practice has shown that expressing companies’ positions on legislative issues through the association can be interpreted incorrectly and cause excessive risks. .

“Maxima LT” complies with all adopted legal acts in its activities, and in the legislative process, if the institutions need our position, we want to express it directly”, said I.Trakimaitė-Šeškuvienė.

“Some time ago, when Lithuanian law enforcement had questions about the activities of some associations operating in the country, we reassessed the risks and benefits of the company’s membership of associations and made a decision to no longer participate in the activities of associations,” Dominykas Mertinas, marketing and communications manager of Akropolis Group, told “Verslo žinios”. .

At the end of 2022, the Competition Council awarded about 72.6 million TL to the Lithuanian Pharmacy Association and eight pharmaceutical trading and consulting companies, including four Euroapothecos owned by Vilniaus prekyba, which agreed on compensatory drug surcharges. euro fines. The dispute regarding this decision of the Competition Council is currently continuing in court.

Tomas Kibildis, chairman of the board of “Eurovaistinės”, told “Verslo žinias” that it was after this decision of the Competition Council that fundamental uncertainty arose regarding the business’s ability to maintain dialogue with the state through associations.

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2024-07-26 14:10:54



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