Some more leaked images from the old Starfield build


Just a few days ago, a small collection of leaked images was published Starfieldthe long-awaited game Bethesdawhich takes place in space. However, it looks like the leaks are not over yet, and during the day other material related to the exclusive appeared on social media. Microsoft.

Like the screenshots posted a few days ago, even the new images Starfield do not refer to the current state of the game, since these are pictures taken several years ago. According to rumors, these images are actually from an assembly dated second half of 2017 years and therefore do not reflect the final quality of the product. The images show us some kind of space station and a number of small structures that allow us to appreciate the details. Once again, we can also observe the game interface, although it is very likely that this aspect of the game may have undergone important changes over the years.

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