Some cadres received high confidence votes but then violated the rule of law

On February 17, the Organizing Committee of the Central Committee held an online conference to thoroughly understand and deploy new documents on the organization and construction of the Party.

Mention Regulation No. 96 of the Politburo on taking vote of confidence for titles and positions of leadership and management in the political system, Mr. Mai Van ChinhDeputy Head of the Standing Committee of the Central Organization Committee said that the above regulation inherits the previous Regulation No. 262 of the Politburo on taking votes of confidence for leading members of the Party Committee and leading cadres. in the Party, State, Vietnam Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations.

Head of the Central Organizing Committee Truong Thi Mai. Photo: VNA.

A notable new feature of Regulation No. 96 is that the provisions are concretized, stricter and stricter. Accordingly, the collection of votes of confidence is identified as an important content in staff evaluation, which is carried out periodically. This is a “step forward”, confirming the role of taking a vote of confidence because previously, in Regulation 262-QD/TW stated, a vote of confidence is one of the important reference information channels for the evaluation. , arrange the use of cadres.

Thus, taking a vote of confidence is no longer just an information channel with “important reference” but has become an important content in the assessment, planning and utilization of staff.

According to Mr. Mai Van Chinh, Regulation No. 96 also updated the situation, showing the synchronization and connection with Regulation No. 41 of the Politburo on resignation and dismissal of cadres and Notice of conclusion No. 20 of the Politburo. Politburo on the arrangement of cadres whose capacity and prestige have decreased after being disciplined.

In addition, for the voting criteria, Regulation No. 96 also adds the results of leadership and direction in implementing the Party’s policy on fighting corruption and negativity, what party members are not allowed to do; the regular keeping in contact with the authorities of the place of residence; results of leadership in organization and staff; inspection and supervision… The criteria are built in a more specific way, minimizing the “qualitative” factors in taking the vote of confidence.

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According to Ms. Truong Thi Mai, Head of the Central Organizing Committee, in the process of reviewing Regulation No. 262, in addition to the achieved results, there are also limitations. A part of the head of the committee is not fully aware of the role and importance of taking the vote of confidence, still respects, is peaceful and precious, the spirit of criticism and self-criticism is not high, there is no expression. show “group interests”. Some cadres won high confidence votes but then violated Party discipline and State law.

Ms. Mai suggested raising the awareness and responsibilities of the party committee, the head and the participants in the process of obtaining the vote of confidence. The Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations need to participate in monitoring and reflecting so that the implementation of the vote of confidence this year achieves substantive results, which is an important basis for the Party to plan and arrange , using people with high confidence votes, and at the same time have a plan to arrange and arrange for those with low confidence.

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