Some 152 families from San Pedro have access to a better quality of life with housing provided by the government

Asuncion, IP Agency.- The keys to the new homes were handed over to 152 families in the district of Santa Rosa del Aguaray, in the department of San Pedro, during a ceremony presided over by the head of the Ministry of Urban Development, Housing and Habitat, Juan Carlos Baruja. This is in compliance with the commitment of the President of the Republic, Santiago Peña, to promote comprehensive development in Paraguay, so that more families can enjoy greater well-being and a better quality of life, the ministry said.

The construction was promoted by the government through the MUVH, with an investment of 15,551,128,793 guaraníes, with resources from the National Fund for Social Housing (Fonavis).

The beneficiaries of the San Miguel del Norte Settlement received 65 homes; from the Curupaity Settlement – ​​Fundación Atlántica, 54 and 33, from the Agüerito Community 2nd Phase.

Minister Baruja said that every family, every Paraguayan man and woman, has the right to decent housing and that is what the government is doing, working so that they can have a nice house; so that they can leave the house made of boards and a tin roof and move to a house made of material, with a tile roof and plastered brick walls, because we all deserve to live better.

Economic injection and jobs

The investment in the construction of these homes represented a significant injection into the local economy and a great opportunity to create jobs for the residents of the area.

Each home has two bedrooms, a living room, kitchen and dining room, a bathroom and an external laundry room and was built with nationally produced ceramic materials.

#families #San #Pedro #access #quality #life #housing #government
2024-09-08 10:32:12



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