Solve the answer! How many days can ‘Covid’ stay in the body? After being sick, will you still be able to spread the infection? – Bizpromptinfo

Many people who have contracted COVID-19 or have been infected with the Omicron strain of coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) have shown little symptoms. or have almost no symptoms So many people are not sure. following being sick Will this virus remain in the body? Will it be able to spread it to other people once more?

First of all, it must be understood that Omicron strains have the most contagious period of 1-2 days before symptoms appear. and when showing symptoms It is most infectious during 2-5 days following the onset of illness.

The study found that Up to 25% of the virus was cultured on day 7, but the virus was not cultured on day 14. After 7 days of being infected with coronavirus, the transmission rate will begin to decline. And by the 14th day, it can no longer spread the infection. Therefore, medical advice recommends that patients quarantine or isolate from others for 10-14 days to reduce the chance of transmission.

Therefore, anyone who has recovered is 14 days past. If you try RT-PCR, you may still have a positive result because there are germs. Or microorganisms that have been destroyed by the body until they are exhausted and are left behind. But here you can rest assured that the remains can no longer infect and infect.

Still, it doesn’t mean that the germs are completely gone from the body. Because the followingmath of this virus can affect health for at least 4 weeks, or in some people it can last as long as 9 months.

According to data from the US National Institutes of Health (NIH), the virus that enters the body is not only in the respiratory tract. It can also divide in other human cells and spread to the heart, brain, and almost every body system within days of infection.

That’s why people who have recovered from COVID. Still having to face the condition of Long Covid (Long Covid) or residual symptoms following recovering from illness in many body systems Even when sick with COVID, there may be few symptoms. or no symptoms at all

In accordance with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Teera Worathanarat, professor of the Faculty of Medicine Chulalongkorn University According to a study from Spain, which followed 29 COVID-19 patients with pending symptoms for at least four weeks, it found that up to 45% of the viral genetic material was detected in the blood of the patients, and the substance was detected in the blood. Genetics in either blood, urine or feces in 51% of patients showed that COVID-19 had spread throughout the body. It’s not just the respiratory system. and causing symptoms to try covid in many systems

There are more than 200 symptoms of covid that are found today. The most common are: fatigue Including symptoms that occur with other systems of the body such as

– Respiratory system: cough, chest pain, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing.

– Nervous system: blurred brain, dizziness, headache, short attention span, sleep disorders.

– Gastrointestinal : abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, weight loss

– Musculoskeletal system: joint pain, muscle pain

– Psychiatric problems: depression, anxiety

However, some people may experience more severe symptoms, such as erectile dysfunction. Increased risk of acute myocardial infarction Ischemic strokes, kidney failure, and even children are at risk for MIS-C, which causes inflammation in many organs throughout the body.

Thank you for information.

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