Solutions for disadvantaged children

2024-08-29 16:33:52

Well, that’s ” shoes that grow » – Or, in fluent French, “La Chaussure qui Grow”. A brilliant idea, right? A pair of shoes that adapt to your child’s growth are both practical and economical.

Ideas derived from real needs

It all started in 2007 when Kenton Lee, founder of Because International, was working in Nairobi, Kenya. One day, on the way to church, he passed a little girl whose shoes were obviously too small. Have you ever seen your feet squeezed into shoes that are too tight? Not pretty, and extremely uncomfortable. Kenton then asked himself: “What if we could create a shoe that could adapt to the growth of the foot?”. Bingo. This is where the idea was born.

Shoes that fit well and are durable

Specifically, this shoe is a gem of innovation. It was developed by Proof of Concept Northwest, a company that specializes in clever concepts. The shoe comes in two sizes – small and large, and can be increased by five sizes, no less. And it doesn’t stop there: It’s designed to last at least five years. Imagine what this means for vulnerable families. No more bare feet or blisters from shoes that are too tight.

global influence

You realize the importance of this innovation when you know that more than 300 million children in the world do not have shoes. Kids are exposed to all kinds of parasites and infections if they don’t wear shoes…it’s scary. So, yes, you could say “The Shoe That Grows” is more than just a pair of shoes, it’s a solution to a global problem.

#Solutions #disadvantaged #children



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