Solidarex 2022: Multinational Naval Forces Exercise for Natural Disasters in the Waters of the Pacific and the Caribbean

2023-07-09 19:45:37

Within the framework of the Naval Bicentennial of the Colombian Navy, the third version of Solidarex was carried out, the operation with which eight sister countries carried out interoperability, synergy and strengthening exercises for the attention of natural disasters in the waters of the Pacific and the Caribbean. SEMANA accompanied the naval forces on this journey.

This version, which was developed for the first time in the Caribbean Sea, since the first two, in 2019 and 2021, were carried out in Pacific waters, had the participation of countries such as Ecuador, Peru, Mexico, Panama, Brazil, Argentina , United States and Spain. Colombia, as the host country, received the impressive international fleet and its sailors on the coast of Coveñas, department of Sucre.

Agility, dexterity, and coordination was what SEMANA was able to demonstrate before the formation of the Solidarex Multinational Task Force, a powerful team prepared to deal with large-scale disasters and in which 2,275 sailors, 12 warships, 4 helicopters, participated. 1 marine patrol boat, 1 Scan Eagle, 2 Coast Guard Rapid Reaction Units, 6 diving groups, 7 Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) groups and 3 pre-hospital care groups. An unprecedented version, since it is the first to have more participating countries and ships.

“This is an interoperability exercise. In other words, countries define doctrines, procedures, standard communications so that in a real scenario, as we already had in other countries, we have perfect, timely, and efficient communication,” Admiral Francisco Hernando Cubides, commander of the Navy, told SEMANA. Colombian Navy.

A devastating category 5 hurricane called ‘Willy’, in the Gulf of Morrosquillo, was recreated for the uniformed personnel to carry out the exercises and humanitarian assistance and rescue operations that took place in Coveñas between July 8 and 10.

SEMANA had the opportunity to participate in two of the exercises: maritime search and rescue; and Urban Search and Rescue (USAR).

The imposing waters of the southern Caribbean were the scene of the maritime search and rescue exercise. From a Brazilian Navy helicopter, troops descended from the heights to save the shipwrecked following the passage of “Hurricane Wily”, who had already been located by Mexican and Colombian divers, following the emergency in the open sea. The shocking scenes of the rescue captured the attention of the media present who saw the simulated operative millimeter.

During the USAR exercises, it was confirmed that the sailors of the eight participating Navies not only have skills in the water, but also on land. On this occasion, “Hurricane Willy” had devastated a hotel. In response to the emergency, a team made up of Mexican and Colombian sailors, as well as two Peruvian teams, was deployed.

In this simulation, for example, the materials that can collapse following a hurricane or other natural phenomenon, such as concrete and wood slabs on ceilings and walls, were recreated. The expertise of the uniformed allowed the wounded to be removed through triangle-shaped perforations, identified as key to avoiding the complete collapse of structures during rescues.

“Let us remember that this type of activity has already been carried out, for example, in Catrina, in the United States, in 2006, also in the earthquake in Haiti, in 2010, also in the earthquake in Ecuador in 2016, also in Hurricane Mateo in Haiti once more, but we also had something very similar here very closely, which was Iota, in San Andrés, where not only the Colombian Navy led the disaster response activity, but also received support from friendly countries and today we want to once once more carry out a similar exercise so that the combination of capabilities allows us to have a multinational force ready to deal with any natural disaster, be it in the Caribbean or the Pacific”, Admiral Cubides added.

And it is not for less, with this important activity “we achieved the coercion of capacities of friendly countries around this type of activities that obviously seek to alleviate the condition of the population, restore the condition in the territory, rebuild and obviously also alleviate the lives of those affected and obviously, then achieve the best living conditions for those who are being treated at that moment in a simulated way”, he highlighted.

There were four operational exercises. In them, the joint response capacity of the sailors for the immediate reaction to any catastrophic scenario caused by the force of nature was clear.

hydrocarbon contingency

2. Landing ‘Amphibious’

3. Maritime search and rescue

Thousands of troops, as well as naval and air forces, from the participating countries, tested their response capacity in the face of any catastrophe and made it clear that they are ready to face any eventuality that may occur.

#SEMANA #accompanied #National #Army #Operation #Solidarex #multinational #exercise #disaster #response #humanitarian #assistance



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