Solar Panel Revolution: How to Cut Your Electricity Bill in Half

2023-08-26 06:12:18

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According to Franc Raffalli, president of the GMPV-FFB (Grouping of photovoltaic professions), guest on franceinfo on Saturday August 26, more and more consumers are turning to solar panels.

Published on 08/26/2023 08:12

Reading time: 1 min.

A house equipped with solar panels in Chambéry, Savoie, August 5, 2023. (VINCENT ISORE / MAXPPP)

“The electricity bill can be halved” with the installation of solar panels, estimates Franc Raffalli, president of the GMPV-FFB (Grouping of photovoltaic trades), on franceinfo Saturday August 26. The number of individual self-consumption installations more than doubled between 2021 and 2023, show figures released by Enedis.

>> In the skin of the info. What you need to know about solar panels

This enthusiasm is due to “the increase in the price of electricity from the Enedis network”, “the drop in the price of photovoltaic installations” et “simplification” panels, according to the specialist who even speaks “fashion effect”. “It has become commonplace because we have been talking about it for 16 years, it was launched by the Grenelle de l’environnement” in 2007, he recalls.

Prior to 2022, individuals would rather choose “total sale”, says Franc Raffalli. The electricity generated by the panels installed on their roof was “sold in full on the network”. Customers now favor self-consumption: “We install solar panels on the roof, we consume everything we can consume and the excess energy is sold on the network”, explains the president of the GMPV-FFB. It usually takes “around 8 to 10 years old” to make the installation of photovoltaic panels profitable at home, says Franc Raffalli.

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