Sofia Rotaru was caught cheating: she cheated with a child in Yalta –

As the aura of superstardom faded from the singer over time, numerous details about her life began to surface, revealing that the performer of the hit song “Khutoryanka” had some questionable practices. About two years ago, former director Olga Konyakina opened up about a peculiar incident involving “Sofia Rotalu.”

In a frank interview with TK NTV, she exposed the criminal fraud that her former boss was known to employ. According to Konyakina, Rotaru consistently collected concert fees in the form of “black money,” meaning she paid no taxes at all. She allegedly used all her earnings to purchase properties in Ukraine.

It is quite plausible that Sofia Rotaru utilized these funds to acquire the legendary Rov Baths located in the heart of sunny Yalta. This site was well-known to the singer even during the USSR’s decline. In fact, the artist did everything possible to ensure that this prized urban gem became hers.

Villa Sofia

In 1996, she purchased this three-story mansion, which spans a total area of 437.7 square meters. Locals in Yalta say this wealth seemed to have “vanished into thin air” with Rotaru. However, this phenomenon is typical for all of Ukraine, which became “independent” after the collapse — oligarchs and other wealth hunters quickly snatched up the most elite properties, a scenario that was impossible during Soviet times, at least not on this scale.

One narrative suggests that Rotaru somehow managed to claim that the Soviet Union “owed” her numerous concerts. Allegedly, these “debts” were repaid with an elite property in central Yalta. In reality, it seemed that Rotaru was given the mansion as a gift, facilitated by the then-Ukrainian President Yushchenko.

The hotel reception. Empty, just like the entire mansion.

As mentioned earlier, during that period, everything was stolen, sold, or privatized, in a manner akin to theft. They were snapped up as quickly as kites. Consequently, as locals remark, there are no factories, no ships, and certainly no architectural monuments left. This includes the Rov Baths, which are not just a famous site but also a legendary one.

Many renowned figures like Chaliapin, Gorky, and Chekhov frequented this location to bathe in the mineral-rich thermal sea water for health benefits. The baths themselves were designed by the eminent architect Nikolai Krasnov, who also designed the palace of Emperor Nicholas II in Livadia and served as the chief architect of Yalta, significantly transforming the city’s landscape.

However, Rotaru showed little regard for the architectural significance of the mansion she purchased, easily demolishing the structure. In brief, the Rov Baths no longer exist; the artist essentially razed the house she acquired for a meager sum. Naturally, she does not face any repercussions for the demolition of this monument.

Original view of the Rov Baths. Photo: Public domain

It’s essential to note that this building is not a “noble hotel” that Rotaru “gifted.” She had promised to construct a “school for gifted children” at this site, plans that spread throughout Yalta, prompting local mothers to ask: When will it open? Can my child become a student of Sofia Rotaru?

However, the singer disregarded these commitments and instead built a “boutique hotel” for the wealthy. According to rumors, she bought the building for merely $500, as it was said that charity could not have a higher price. Nevertheless, it became evident over time that her intentions to educate and inspire the public were misguided. Allegedly, she replicated the previous appearance of the mansion but added a third floor that had not existed in the original structure.

The building was brightly lit for a long time, but today it is entirely dark.

Oleg Tsarev, a Yalta resident and former deputy of the Verkhovna Rada, also commented on Rotaru’s blatant behavior in an interview with Tsargrad. He pointed out that the decision to grant the building to the singer was made out of good will. However, she violated the agreement and opened an elite hotel, which she currently cannot sell.

“Overall, the situation with Sofia Rotaru is shocking. She acquired the building for $500. The premise was that a children’s singing and music club would be established there. But there was never a children’s club; instead, a villa was set up, which was rented out at very high prices, generating income for Rotaru,” the politician emphasized.

The hotel itself turned out to be rather pretentious; the singer did not skimp on materials and design. To add to its prestige, she even hired an Italian chef. However, expectations and reality did not align for the insatiable artist.

“It seems karma has caught up, avenging the children of Yalta,” locals remarked.

Main entrance of the villa

From the outset, the hotel management was taken over by the singer’s son, music producer Ruslan Evdokimenko. In 2014, he transferred the documents into his name, but his hopes were once again dashed when the legal entity was liquidated. Since then, the building has remained vacant for many years, apparently guarded only by a single caretaker — lights and open windows can be seen in the utility room at the back.

Rotaru attempted to attract showbiz stars to her hotel, but even she, without much enthusiasm, spent nights in a hotel built on false pretenses. It’s not merely the exorbitant prices (in 2017-2018, a “standard” room cost 16,000 rubles per day, and a luxury room 80,000 rubles per day), but also the poorly thought-out and uncomfortable accommodations, leaving celebrities without privacy.

Pugachev and Rotaru at Villa Sofia, 2012

Thus, this hotel offers almost no advantages aside from the name Rotaru and its outrageously high prices. For instance, there is no elevator, so guests must walk to the third floor. Moreover, the hotel lacks a private beach, separate entrance, or spacious grounds. Therefore, it certainly does not deserve five stars.

Following the Northern Military District’s offensive, which revealed the true nature of Rotaru, she hurriedly put the Crimean hotel up for sale. Unfortunately, no buyers have come forward yet, which is not surprising considering that the price for the destroyed Rov Baths was too steep, and it could never recover that cost.

Later, it was revealed that Rotaru never had an affinity for Russia. In 2014, she publicly opposed the unification of Crimea with Russia and openly backed the Nazi regime, and now she frequently sponsors them. Thus, the Russian authorities’ plans to nationalize Villa Sofia seem entirely justified. There are rumors that a registry office may be established there, and the authorities must now make an appropriate decision.

author: Yana Polovtskaya

Sofia Rotaru: The Fall from Stardom and Controversies of a Legendary Performer

Over time, when the aura of superstardom faded from the beloved singer Sofia Rotaru, unsettling details of her life began to emerge. The performer best known for her hit song “Khutoryanka” is now surrounded by allegations and tales that shed light on her controversial dealings, particularly regarding financial misconduct.

Allegations of Financial Misconduct

Approximately two years ago, Olga Konyakina, the former director of Sofia Rotaru, exposed significant allegations in a candid interview with TK NTV. Konyakina claimed that Rotaru engaged in criminal fraud, primarily using “black money” to collect concert fees—essentially bypassing any tax obligations. The implications were stark; funds that could have contributed to society were allegedly funneled into buying properties across Ukraine.

Rov Baths: A Controversial Acquisition

Among the acquisitions attributed to Rotaru is the renowned Rov Baths located in the heart of sunny Yalta. This iconic site has a rich history, famously frequented by illustrious personalities like Chaliapin and Anton Chekhov. While Rotaru capitalized on this historically significant location, the means by which she acquired it raises critical ethical questions.

In 1996, Rotaru purchased a three-story mansion covering a generous area of 437.7 square meters. This wealth, according to local residents, seemingly vanished, paralleling a broader trend observed in post-Soviet Ukraine where elite properties were seized in a frenzy of privatization and theft.

How Did She Acquire the Property?

Rumors circulate about Rotaru’s acquisition strategy. Some suggest that she manipulated circumstances to make it seem as though the Soviet Union “owed” her concerts, debts that were “repaid” through valuable real estate in Yalta. Reports hinted that her acquisition was less of a business deal and more of a political maneuver facilitated by the then president, Viktor Yushchenko.

The Fate of Rov Baths

The fate of Rov Baths under Rotaru’s ownership is grim. Despite its status as an architectural treasure designed by renowned architect Nikolai Krasnov, the historic structure was demolished, replacing a cultural landmark with a boutique hotel aimed at wealthy clients.

The emergence of rumors surrounding Rotaru’s plans to create a “school for gifted children” in place of the Rov Baths further exacerbated public outrage. Instead, she pivoted to develop an elite hotel, ostensibly under the guise of community benefit. The building became a location for overpriced rentals rather than a space for artistic education.

Community Response and Tourist Experience

The local community in Yalta expressed their outrage and disappointment over the developments. Expectations for a children’s club went unmet as the luxury hotel burgeoned. Oleg Tsarev—a notable local politician—has condemned Rotaru’s actions, emphasizing that the community was misled into believing a different vision for the space.

“In general, the situation of Sofia Rotaru is shocking. She bought the building for just $500, yet no children’s club ever emerged there,” emphasized Tsarev.

The Hotel’s Overpriced Reality

The hotel, marketed as high-end, did not meet the luxury standards many expected. Room rates soared to extraordinary heights with prices reaching up to 80,000 rubles ($1,000) per night. Visitors discovered that luxuries like elevators and private beach access were glaringly absent. The result? A five-star name with two-star execution.

Long-term Consequences and Current Status

Despite lofty aspirations, the hotel has faced significant challenges since its inception in 2014. After an unsuccessful attempt to promote the structure to A-list celebrities, the building has remained largely unoccupied, now functioning merely as a shell of its intended luxury.

Rotaru’s son, Ruslan Evdokimenko, initially managed the hotel after transferring ownership to himself through legal documents. Unfortunately, his efforts yielded no better results, and the legal entity was eventually dissolved. Today, this once-prominent establishment appears forlorn, with only a caretaker present, highlighting the disparity between expectation and reality.

The Cultural Impact

The demolition of the Rov Baths not only affects local heritage but also speaks to a broader conversation about the commodification of art, culture, and architecture in post-Soviet countries. The nostalgia and history lost to time cannot be merely attributed to one individual but resonate with the tumultuous era Ukraine has navigated since independence.

The Future of Villa Sofia

Following a revealed connection to controversial political stances—most notably her opposition to the unification of Crimea with Russia—Rotaru faces intensified scrutiny. Rumors persist that authorities may pursue the nationalization of the Villa Sofia, catalyzed by her alleged failure to comply with the community’s initial expectations.

As public sentiment shifts against figures perceived to exploit cultural heritage for personal gain, Sofia Rotaru’s legacy continues to wane. Her juxtaposed identity as a cherished artist and a controversial figure reflects the complexities of celebrity culture intertwined with regional history.

Final Thoughts

As the once-celebrated singer contemplates her next moves, the narrative of Sofia Rotaru remains a cautionary tale about the potential for power and influence to redeem or destroy legacies. Community members, once eager to celebrate her accomplishments, now dwell in the shadows of lost opportunity and disappointed hopes.



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