Socialist Party calls for official primaries in Chillán – La Discusión 2024-03-14 18:49:20

There remains a month and a half for political parties to register their candidacies for the primary elections for mayors and regional governors that will take place on June 9, ahead of the general elections on October 27.

On April 10, the communities that decide to participate in primaries by forming an agreement must formalize it before the director of the Electoral Service, and from this date onwards, the authorities that carry out inaugurations of works or other events or ceremonies of a public nature must issue an invitation. in writing to such events to all the candidates of the respective electoral territory.

In Ñuble, it is still a mystery if any conglomerate will finally use this mechanism, however, in the ruling party, the Socialist Party shed some light a few days ago, when its regional board declared that they intended to raise their own charter in the commune of Chillán, where The PPD, Camilo Benavente, will be re-nominated.

“When the majority of the center-left conglomerate does not feel represented by its authorities, proposals must be made so that citizens can choose. Our national president, Senator Paulina Vodanovic, was emphatic regarding our intention to hold primaries to be able to validate the authorities in office, or for new leadership to be born, especially when they move away from the program or conglomerate for which she was elected.” said the regional president of the PS, Brígida Hormazábal.

“Names are being heard in the communes of Santiago, Ñuñoa and many more, so why not Chillán? We must be conveners and give space to the entire center left, and validate a single leadership and a strengthened work program with a great vision of the city, where all of us from Chilanejos feel included and summoned,” he asserted.

In this regard, the regional helmsman of the PPD, Yesenia Figueroa, stated that “following the second week of March, the electoral coordination meetings will resume. We know that at the level of the election of governors and mayors the concept of ‘the one who has it remains’ will be privileged when there are re-elections, and we as a party want to reinforce that in the case of spaces for mayors where mayors fulfill their third term They cannot go up for re-election, so that the party that holds the quota is maintained and respected. We are convinced that in the mayoralties where the quota is right-wing, if we go with only one alternative we have a chance,” she stated.

He added that the PPD is open to different alternatives, “primaries, surveys, etc.” As far as we understand, according to what the central level tells us for the elections of councilors and cores, we will be on a list between the PPD and the PS to repeat the formula of the list with the most votes at the national level and the one with the most councilors. had. Regarding the PS raising candidates for primaries in Chillán, let’s clarify that there will be no primaries in this commune. Camilo Benavente has had a very good management and the national agreement that will be endorsed in March will allow him to be the sole candidate. In politics we must be responsible, and we must prepare to win in 2024 but with an eye on the 2025 elections. We make a broad call to the government groups in the region to resolve possible critical issues with a clear vision,” he sentenced.

Meanwhile, from the Frente Amplio (which in the coming days will experience an important milestone to move towards unity in a single party), the regional president of Social Convergencia, Francisca Leyton, maintained that “we are currently forming a list of progressive candidates that allows us to work on the challenges that we envision for the region, among them, probity and transparency in public management; and carry out a correct regional installation process at all levels. In political terms, for our sector it is important to strengthen progressive ideas regarding the common good in our territory. At Convergencia we believe that the primaries in Chillán are an element that helps us choose the best candidate to represent us in the mayor’s office of the regional capital and debate its future,” she stated.

Regarding the regional governor elections, in which there might also be primaries; The name that garners the greatest support in the ruling party is that of the current authority, Óscar Crisóstomo (PS), who has already been ratified by his party.

a single pact

On the other side, the right is also considering its options.

“The Chile Vamos table, which also includes some center parties, such as Democrats and Yellows, will resume its work now in March, but we already have enough and good agreements in Ñuble. Our objective is to have a single list of candidates for mayor, therefore, we have already made enough and good decisions,” stated the regional president of RN, Rodrigo González.

The leader also highlighted that it is likely that RN will have a new mayor soon, (Gonzalo Bustamante, in the commune of Bulnes, who would take over due to the judicial process facing the current communal chief, Guillermo Yeber).

Although the party maintains its support for Sergio Zarzar as mayor in Chillán, the latter has not yet confirmed his candidacy.

From the UDI, its regional helmsman, Isabel Troncoso, maintained that the only concrete thing so far is that they will go into agreement.

“We have a regional council on March 15, and there will be agreements anyway. The truth is that here in Ñuble we have a table of all the regional presidents of the parties from the right to the center-right, where there are Republicans, Renovación Nacional, Evópoli, PDG, Amarillos, Democrats, and the UDI of course. And there the idea is to try to bring a candidate who represents us per commune,” he expressed.

Reinaldo Figueroa, regional president of Amarillos, announced that they already have candidates for mayor in some communes such as

Old Chillan, Portezuelo, Quillon, Pemuco, Coelemu and Niquen.

“These are highly trained and reliable people who we have asked to incorporate into their programmatic projects, mechanisms to control corruption in municipal corporations, so that municipal resources are properly safeguarded,” he stated.

In parallel, for regional governor(s), the letter that generates the greatest consensus inside Chile Vamos, and even, Republicans, would be former mayor Cristóbal Jardúa (UDI).

Among the independent candidates for the position is that of the current regional councilor, Cristian Quilodrán, who must collect the corresponding signatures.

#Socialist #Party #calls #official #primaries #Chillán #Discusión



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