The Department of Social Welfare, led by the mayor Mercé Pairó (Cs), following months of meetings with the president of “Fibroprotesta Ya”, Harmonie Botella, has shaped all these meetings by lighting an act of visibility and awareness of autoimmune diseases and neuroimmune diseases that will take place next Friday, May 13, in the auditorium of the “El Barranquet” Social Center, at 7:00 p.m.
The event, in which, in addition to the president of the association, artists and people who currently suffer from these conditions, as well as their families, will take part, will bring us closer to the reality of the suffering of some people who want to put a face to a situation whose day to day is that of suffering and that currently nearly a million people in Spain suffer from.
For Mercé Pairó (Cs), attending this act of visibility, apart from the impulse and support that it entails, “is of vital importance to convey to people and family members directly or indirectly affected by these pathologies, that they are alone and that by adding all the efforts and with the essential involvement of all the administrations, we will be able to meet their demands”.
Admission to this moving act is completely free, although “Fibroprotesta Ya” has set up a row 0 ( ES27 0081 1345 1900 0118 7720 ) for people who want to contribute to supporting research projects on these diseases, to improve the quality of life of affected people.
In addition, on May 12, “World Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Day”, the Department of Infrastructure, led by the first deputy mayor Julio Oca (Cs), will illuminate Saint Christol Les Alez, the color that symbolizes the cause for which millions of people in the world fight and suffer in silence.