Social Welfare Monitor – June 2024

2024-09-04 15:42:40

Between June 2023 and June 2024, the number of disabled adult benefits increased by 4.7%.

Since 2020, the Directorate for Research, Research, Evaluation and Statistics (Drees) has published a solidarity benefit monitoring table, which has been produced with the assistance of the organizations that manage these benefits. This publication aims to provide the latest monthly data and shed light on the evolution of poverty in France, including at regional level. Monitoring forms are published quarterly. The next broadcast will be in late November 2024.

In June 2024, 1.83 million households received active solidarity income (RSA), which was 1.4% lower than in June 2023 and continuing the modest reduction that started at the end of the health crisis. Since the autumn of 2023, the number of event bonus recipients in June 2024 has decreased compared to the same period last year (-3.1% between June 2023 and June 2024), reaching 4.58 million households.

The number of recipients of housing assistance fell slightly year-on-year (-0.5% between June 2023 and June 2024), reaching 5.56 million in June 2024. , decreased between the summer of 2021 and the summer of 2023 (-28.4% between September 2021 and September 2023) and has remained more or less stable since then, reaching 249,500 beneficiaries by May 2024.

On the contrary, the number of people receiving the Adults with Disabilities Allowance (AAH) continued to increase year-on-year (up 4.7% in one year), reaching 1.33 million beneficiaries by June 2024. AAH has a particularly large workforce. Finally, the number of beneficiaries of the Youth Employment Contract (CEJ), which replaces Youth Guarantee from March 2022, first continued to increase until February 2023 (193,500 beneficiaries) and then, despite the differences, remained at a fairly close level level. The number increased by 4.1% between April 2023 and April 2024, to 193,000 young people. About two-thirds of CEJ beneficiaries have corresponding benefits: this was the case for 129,700 of the 197,700 CEJ beneficiaries in February 2024, for example.

Find the Drees report and information set here

#Social #Welfare #Monitor #June



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