Social Spending amounts to G. 24.8 billion at the end of September

Asunción, IP Agency.- The budget execution of the State’s Social Expenditure amounts to G. 24.8 billion, which represents 63% of this year’s budget for the area. 31% of the resources were for the Education sector and 29% for Health, among the main ones.

The fiscal priority of Social Spending as of September was 56%, which indicates that of G. 100 executed, G. 56 were allocated for social service programs. In that sense, the average fiscal priority of Social Spending in the last ten years was 55%, compared to the other services of the functional classification of spending.

Among the main programs financed within the framework of Social Services, the Educational Service of the 1st and 2nd Cycle of Basic School Education (EEB) stands out, with an investment of G. 3.2 billion, as well as the Comprehensive Care Program of Health and the Pension Program for Older Adults, both with a disbursement of G. 1.9 billion, respectively.

31% went to the Education sector, which, in nominal terms, represented G. 7.6 billion, while 29% went to Health with disbursements that totaled G. 7.1 billion.

Likewise, Promotion and Social Action shows a participation of 20%, while Social Security accounts for 16%, and the rest of the expenditure accounts for 4%.

The full report is available at the following link:

#Social #Spending #amounts #billion #September



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