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An international symposium on the credibility of scientific expertise and public decision-making

In early 2021, ANSES organized an international symposium on the theme “Credibility of scientific expertise and public decision-making: new challenges for the governance of health risks in a changing world”, in partnership with the Cité des sciences et de l’art. industry in Paris and with the support of the Parliamentary Office for Scientific and Technical Choices. In digital format, it brought together nearly 45 authoritative speakers in their field.

Through two plenary sessions and 10 thematic workshops, European and North American social science researchers were able to share their analyzes on the conditions of trust in expertise and on the questions they raise today, and interact with experts, including representatives of European and international health institutions. A Covid-19 session was devoted to initial analyzes related to the pandemic, with in particular the initial results of a study of the responses provided in 16 countries including France, resulting from the collaboration of around sixty researchers from around the world. .

The thematic workshops made it possible to compare views according to different entry points such as the theoretical framework of risk assessment, the law in the face of scientific expertise, risk communication and fake news, the evaluation of scientific integrity, the inclusion of citizen science or even the challenges specific to the circular economy, endocrine disruptors or pesticides.



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