Social partners launch negotiations on senior employment

2023-12-22 09:02:05

Eight months following the promulgation of the pension reform, the time has come to help workers stay in their jobs longer. Friday, December 22, the unions and employers launched negotiations whose aim is to conclude a “new pact for life at work”. Proposed in mid-April by Emmanuel Macron, in the hope of emerging from the crisis linked to the postponement of the legal retirement age, this social dialogue exercise is structured around three axes. : employment of seniors, professional retraining and prevention of arduousness, creation of a universal time savings account (CETU) – a campaign promise of the Head of State, which aims to offer breathing time in careers.

The first meeting, Friday at Medef headquarters in Paris, was intended to develop the timetable and the method. Substantive discussions will not begin until January 2024. Employer and employee organizations will have a relatively free hand since the « document d’orientation » sent on November 21 by the Ministry of Labor to guide the discussions turns out to be not very prescriptive on most of the themes to be discussed. But a significant obligation nevertheless poses limits: if the social partners find a compromise at the end of their negotiations, the measures taken must not degrade public finances.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Pact for life at work: ways to nourish Emmanuel Macron’s proposal

The government’s roadmap displays very high ambitions. Main objective: to achieve “full employment of seniors”with a rate of people aged 60 to 64 in employment of 65% in 2030, compared to only 36.2% in 2022. “I hope we can address the issue more broadly”confides Michel Beaugas, confederal secretary of FO: for him, thinking regarding extending careers involves taking an interest in the fate of workers well before they approach sixty.

Several levers can be activated: promoting access to training, improving working conditions, adjusting the end of career paths, better combating age-related stereotypes and discrimination. “There will not be a single miracle solution, warns Olivier Guivarch, national secretary of the CFDT. We will need to find a cocktail of devices by scanning lots of subjects. »

“Change of paradigm”

The employers know that they are expected, because “If he doesn’t play the game, nothing will happen”, as summarized by Eric Courpotin, confederal secretary of the CFTC. At this stage, Medef is hardly revealing itself, leaving aside the principled positions of its president, Patrick Martin, who has declared, on several occasions, that employers will do everything possible to keep their aging employees.

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