Social organizations call for an indefinite national strike in Peru | News

As the political crisis intensifies in Peru, after the arrest of former President Pedro Castillo, various sectors of society called for a day of national strike for this Tuesday, December 12 and Wednesday, December 13.


Peruvian court rejects habeas corpus petition from former president Pedro Castillo

The convening organizations are agrarian, social, peasant rounds, indigenous or native peoples, peasant communities, women’s organizations unified in the Agrarian and Rural Front of Peru (FARP).

In this way, the organizations ratified the indefinite strike as of Tuesday the 13th with the purpose of closing Congress, for a new patriotic, parity, ecological and plurinational Constitution and to call new elections under a new social contract and new rules of the game.

In the declaration, the convening entities demand the immediate release of former President Pedro Castillo, arrested after Congress decided to declare his position vacant, while the police detained him, accused of rebellion.

It also requests the restitution of all rights to Castillo to the extent that he did not alter the constitutional order to the extent that he did not perpetrate any coup and likewise reiterate their rejection and repudiation of the coup plotter and usurper Dina Baluarte.

In its text, the organizations declare themselves in a popular insurgency against the coup d’état planned and perpetrated by Congress, the leadership of the armed forces, the mainstream press, the Judiciary-Public Ministry, as operators of the factual powers or large groups of economic power.

The coup tried to annul our vote, they made the decision to retake the Government through the coup d’état, they denounce.

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In their text, they maintain that the coup was perpetrated on December 7, 2022, disrupting the constitutional order, going so far as to kidnap President Pedro Castillo by the ineffably corrupt colonel of the Peruvian National Police (CNP), Henry Colchado and his henchmen. .

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