Social Media Scam Alert: Woman Falls Victim in Car Sale Scheme, Leading to Fraudster’s Arrest

Social Media Scam Alert: Woman Falls Victim in Car Sale Scheme, Leading to Fraudster’s Arrest

MEXICO CITY.— The sale of a car It has become one of the most common ways to be scammed. Proof of this is the case of a woman who sold a luxury car through social networks, but upon receiving the deposit by 1.4 million pesos, realized that this was fake.

However, police officers from the Undersecretariat of Traffic Control arrested the subject accused of fraud.

He sells a luxury car on social media, receives 1.4 million pesos but the deposit was fake

It was through social networks that A woman sold a luxury carand “luckily” for her, a buyer quickly emerged. This is how the interested party asked her to carry out the transaction in the General Ignacio Zaragoza neighborhood of Mexico City.

However, the woman after giving him the luxury car The subject ended up realizing that he received a fake deposit of 1.4 million pesos Mexicans.

But police from the Sub-secretariat of Traffic Control attended the request for help to women, who had allegedly been deceived by the subject, as reported by the Secretariat of Citizen Security (SSC) in an information card, which indicated that the uniformed officers assisted the woman during a surveillance and security tour at the intersection of 12th Avenue and 15th Street, in the General Ignacio Zaragoza neighborhood.

Man arrested for fraudulent purchase

Police of the Undersecretariat of Traffic Control arrested a subject identified as Fernando “N”, reported as fraudster when purchasing a high-end vehicle, through a fake bank transfer.

It was also reported that the subject was in a car wash located on 12th Avenue and 15th Street, in the General Ignacio Zaragoza neighborhood, Venustiano Carranza Mayor’s Office.

And it was the affected citizen who indicated that the man was in a car wash in the area, inside a Nissan Z car, white color; vehicle that he had sold to her and that is valued on the market at 1.4 million pesosthe amount that he allegedly deposited, but the woman realized that it was false.

It was also reported that the uniformed officers intercepted the 25-year-old man, from whom they asked for the car’s documentation., which was not presented, so was arrested and transferred to the corresponding Public Prosecutor’s Office, where his legal status will be determined.

#Woman #sells #car #social #media #receives #fake #deposit #scammer #arrested
2024-09-14 14:06:50

– ‌What are the⁢ main ⁣purposes of using a `

` element in HTML?

Here is a comprehensive and‌ SEO-optimized article on the topic of


The Power of‌

: Unlocking the Secrets of HTML ‍Division Elements

HTML‍ division elements, denoted by the

tag, are one of the most versatile and widely used⁣ elements in HTML. They play⁣ a crucial ‌role in structuring‍ content, adding‍ visual appeal, and enhancing user experience on web pages. In this article, we’ll⁤ delve into the ⁢world of

elements, exploring their purpose, ⁣syntax, and applications, as well as ‌best practices⁢ for using them ‌effectively.

What is a



⁢ element⁢ is a generic container element⁣ that ‌represents a self-contained piece of content. It is a block-level element, meaning it takes up the full width of its parent element and starts on a new‍ line.

elements are used to group elements together, making it easier to apply styles, layout, and behavior to ⁢a ​set of elements as ⁣a whole.

Syntax and Attributes

The basic ⁣syntax of a

element is straightforward:


The content within the

element can be any valid HTML content, including text, images, lists, tables, and other HTML elements.

elements can‍ also have attributes‍ that provide additional information about the element. Some common ⁣attributes include:

id: specifies a unique identifier for the element

class: specifies one⁢ or more classes for the element

style: specifies​ inline styles for the element

data-: specifies custom data ​attributes for ⁣the element

Applications of


elements are incredibly ​versatile ⁤and have a wide⁣ range of‌ applications in web development.‌ Some common use cases include:

Layout and structure:

elements ⁢are ⁣often used to create layouts, ⁤such as ⁢headers, footers, ⁢sidebars, and content‌ sections.

Content grouping: ⁤

elements can be ​used ​to group related⁢ content together, making it easier to apply styles and layout to a set of elements.

Styling and design:

elements ​can be used‌ to apply styles, borders, and backgrounds to a section of a web page.


elements ‌can be used to provide a fallback for users with disabilities, ensuring that content remains accessible even when styles are disabled.

Best Practices for Using

‌ Elements


elements are incredibly ⁢flexible, there are ⁤some best practices‍ to‍ keep in⁤ mind when using them:

Use meaningful class names: ⁣Instead of using ​generic class names like “container” or “box”, ‌use meaningful class names that describe the content‍ or purpose of the element.

Avoid⁣ over-nesting:

⁢ elements can quickly become‍ convoluted if over-nested. Try to limit the number of nested

elements to improve readability and maintainability.

Use ⁤semantic ⁢HTML: Where possible, use semantic HTML elements like ⁤

, ⁢