Soccer promise assassinated in Jamundí, Valle

Jamundí, Valley

A 20-year-old soccer promise who was going to travel to the United States very soon to join a professional team was murdered in Jamundí, south of Valle del Cauca.

This is Sebastián Camilo Guzmán. who was attacked by hit men on a motorcycle when he was some two blocks from his house, since he had traveled from Bogotá to his homeland on vacation.

“The colleagues are hurt. He was returning on February 1 and unfortunately they took his life when he was at his place of work, a job he did to help his mother get her tickets,” said Yesid Lerma, president of Club Lerma Talentos Colombia FC, on Caracol Radio. NS of Bogota.

Lerma revealed. In addition, she and Sebastián were traveling to the University of Miami, seven more young people, to a presentation for a professional team. “We were leaving on the first of March, following three years of training at the school.”

“His murder would be a probable confusion, some versions indicate that the subjects were following a tall, thin person with dyed hair, he did not have hair like that and even that day he had a cap,” Lerma said.

On the other hand, the president of the Club specified that Sebastián was a “talented, calm, judicious young man who wanted to help his family get ahead.”

The crime occurred in the Covicedros neighborhood and is being investigated by the authorities.



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