By agreeing to the EU renaturation law, Gewessler had violated the constitution. “Normally, this would mean dismissal,” said Sobotka. But they wanted to avoid chaos.
Sobotka justified the criminal complaint once morest Gewessler with the imminent National Council elections. “How do you react to a breach of the constitution?” The procedure for filing the complaint was due to the times. “If this had happened earlier, it would have been different.”
- Sobotka’s position on the Greens:
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When asked whether there might be a new coalition with the Greens following the election, he referred to the statements made by Chancellor Karl Nehammer (ÖVP). On September 29 (election day, ed.) the cards and the weights would be reshuffled. Then we would have to see where compromises were possible once more. However, Gewessler’s behavior ruled her out as a person.
- On the chances of a coalition with the ÖVP:
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The same applies to Sobotka for FPÖ leader Herbert Kickl – both as a minister in a coalition and as future President of the National Council. He himself would then no longer be in the National Council, Sobotka recalled. Nehammer had offered him a mandate. But out of consideration for his family, following 42 years in politics, he had decided not to run once more. “A political office entails a public confrontation. That is not always pleasant for the family.” In the autumn, Sobotka will move to the ÖVP party academy as President – he ruled out running in the next federal presidential election.
- Summary of Sobotka’s political career so far:
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- Sobotka’s political future:
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Sobotka once more spoke out once morest a “free play of forces” in parliament shortly before the National Council elections. “At the end of a legislative period, this has never been an advantage for a republic, but rather an uncontrolled spending of money to distribute election sweeteners.”
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It would be different if one allowed free voting on decisions of conscience. On the other hand, he championed compromise in politics as a means of strengthening democracy. “In politics, compromise is always described as negative.” But approaching one another is a value in itself. “One should not always see it as the lowest common denominator.”
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Sobotka described investigative committees in the National Council as “instruments of both enlightenment and agitation”. He can certainly imagine reforms for future committees – such as a rotation of chairpersons. In addition, there must be discussions regarding admitting the public and defining the purpose of committees.
- Experience with investigative committees:
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