Presentation of two studies at the dialogue platform of autochthonous Austrian ethnic groups in Parliament
Vienna (PK) – The diversity of the autochthonous ethnic groups in Austria is an identity-forming feature of Austria and puts the awareness of European diversity and multilingualism at the center of society, said National Council President Wolfgang Sobotka at the dialogue platform of autochthonous Austrian ethnic groups, which took place for the second time in the House today. The platform is intended to open up areas of discussion in order to discuss developments and challenges facing the autochthonous ethnic groups in Austria and to deepen parliamentary discourse.
The presentation of two recently published studies dealt with future approaches and impetus in terms of inclusion and language policy of the Austrian ethnic groups. Parliamentary Director Harald Dossi said he wanted to use the dialogue to derive suggestions for the Parliamentary Directorate’s offers to mediate democracy.
Exchange on topics relevant to ethnic groups
The spokespersons for ethnic groups in the Austrian Parliament commented on the possibilities of language preservation and challenges in the minority school system. Nikolaus Berlakovich (ÖVP) spoke out in favor of expanding the range of educational opportunities for members of the autochthonous ethnic groups and promoting media offerings in the languages of the ethnic groups. Since language, culture and identity are the pillars of the survival of an ethnic group, Harald Troch (SPÖ) emphasized the need for support in the education sector for native speakers. Josef Ofner (FPÖ) also referred to the challenges in this regard, especially in the area of elementary education. Representing Olga Voglauer (Greens), Deva Zwitter emphasized the importance of the empirically guided dialogue for the rights of the ethnic groups. This should now be followed by concrete actions, Michael Bernhard (NEOS) also appealed for sustainable financing of the ethnic group associations and greater involvement of young people. The chairpersons of the advisory boards of the six autochthonous ethnic groups (Czech, Slovak, Croatian, Hungarian, Slovene, Rom:nja and Sinti:zze) also took part in the exchange with the linguist Brigitta Busch, chairing the discussion Focus on language preservation.
Inclusion of Rome:nja
Austria has committed itself to implementing a national strategy to strengthen the social inclusion of the Rom:nja and to evaluating corresponding measures. The steps taken were examined on behalf of the Federal Chancellery and problem areas were identified. Selective activities for inclusion in the labor market, educational work or combating discrimination have proven successful. The strategy – for example by establishing the dialogue platform – also contributed to the institutionalization of the concerns of the Rom:nja, but participation is not lived openly, said “Sensiro” project manager Christoph Reinprecht. There is a lack of a communication strategy for the hard-to-reach target groups. It was also noted that anti-Roma hostility is deeply rooted in Austria, with poverty favoring social exclusion. About half of the Rom:nja would think it would be better to conceal being a member of the ethnic group. He therefore referred to the need for a consistent fight once morest disadvantages, raising awareness among the population and broader inclusion of different groups and realities in the strategy.
Bilingualism in Carinthia
An OGM study on the situation, language use and prospects for the Slovene minority in Carinthia was also presented. According to this, the use of the Slovene language is declining in a generational comparison – not because of aging but because of strong migration. Since the language is used more orally than in writing in private contexts, Johannes Klotz, who headed the study, believes that institutionalization is important for language teaching and to counteract the decline in language use in Carinthia. He also sees potential in the expansion of digital communication offers, with which the physical distance can be easily overcome. It was positively emphasized that a high subjective sense of belonging to the ethnic group might be determined. (close) fan
NOTE: Photos from this event can be found in the Parliament web portal .
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