Soaring Ambitions: Targeting Over 10 Million Tons in Soybean Harvests This Season

Asuncion, IP Agency.- The launch of the 2024/2025 soybean campaign was held in the municipality of Domingo Martínez Irala, Alto Paraná department, with the participation of the Minister of Agriculture and Livestock, Carlos Giménez, representing the government. The goal is to exceed 10 million tons in 3,500,000 hectares to be planted by producers throughout the country.

It was organized by the Association of Soybean Oilseed and Cereal Producers of Paraguay (APS), with support from the government of Paraguay.

Minister Giménez said that the government of President Santiago Peña is supporting the start of the planting and that the biggest challenge is to be competitive, because Paraguay must continue to occupy an important place among the largest soybean exporters worldwide.

He said that Paraguay feeds the world, that significant volumes come from this nation and that uniting all of us, political authorities, public and private sectors, is the way to work for the development of our country.

Regarding this 2024/2025 harvest, the Secretary of State urged producers to be more productive in order to obtain the highest production per hectare.

Environmentally friendly agriculture

The head of the MAG indicated that despite the climatic factors that are recorded, we are determined to produce, because Paraguay practices environmentally friendly agriculture, and this helps it to be competitive. He maintained that we are aware that the more we take care of nature, the more productive we will be.

In this regard, he indicated that this year is a bit challenging due to the adverse weather conditions, but with faith and the incorporation of technology, it will help to take care of the factors that can provide greater efficiency in agriculture. He stressed that Paraguay began with direct sowing, which is what makes us strong and all of this must be taken care of, added Minister Carlos Giménez.


#goal #years #soybean #campaign #exceed #million #tons #production
2024-09-08 07:23:00

Here are some People Also Ask (PAA)‍ related questions for the ⁢title **”Paraguay’s Soybean Industry: A Beacon of⁢ Hope for the Country’s Economy”**:

Paraguay’s Soybean⁤ Industry: A Beacon of Hope​ for the Country’s Economy

Paraguay, a small landlocked ⁤country in South America, has been making waves in ‌the global soybean market. The country has been consistently increasing its soybean production, and recent forecasts suggest that it is on track to produce‌ a‌ record 10.4 million tons of soybeans in the current harvest season [[1]]. This significant increase in production has cemented Paraguay’s position as the world’s third-largest soybean exporter [[3]].

The Paraguayan government has been actively supporting the soybean industry, recognizing its importance in the country’s economy. The Minister of ​Agriculture⁢ and Livestock, Carlos⁤ Giménez, recently launched the 2024/2025 soybean campaign, which aims to exceed 10 million tons of production in 3,500,000 hectares to be planted by producers throughout ​the country. This initiative is a testament to the government’s commitment to​ promoting the growth of the soybean industry.

Agricultural‍ Production and Exports

Soybeans and beef are the backbone of Paraguay’s economy, accounting for⁢ 65% ⁤of the country’s exports and 25%⁤ of ‍its GDP [[3]]. The country’s fertile soil, favorable climate, and extensive irrigation system make it an ideal location for soybean cultivation. Paraguay’s​ soybean production has been increasing ⁣steadily over the years, with the country producing over 9 million ‌tons of soybeans in the previous harvest season [[2]].

Challenges⁣ and Opportunities

Despite the optimism surrounding the soybean⁣ industry, Paraguay faces several challenges. ⁣Low river levels have been slowing down exports, and the country needs to invest ​in its infrastructure to improve logistics and transportation [[1]]. Additionally, the country needs to focus on environmentally friendly agriculture practices to maintain its competitive edge in the global market [[3]].

However, these challenges also present opportunities for growth and development. The Paraguayan government can⁤ invest in sustainable agriculture practices, which will not only benefit the environment but also increase the country’s competitiveness in the global market. The government can also invest in infrastructure development, which will ease ⁢the transportation of ⁤soybeans and other agricultural products, reducing costs and increasing efficiency.


Paraguay’s soybean industry is a shining example of the country’s potential ‍for growth and development. The government’s commitment to‍ supporting the industry, coupled with​ the⁣ country’s favorable climate and soil conditions, makes Paraguay an attractive⁣ destination for ‌investors and traders. As the country continues ‍to focus on environmentally friendly​ agriculture‌ practices and invests in infrastructure development, it is ‌likely to⁢ solidify its position as a leading soybean exporter ​in⁢ the world.





**Paraguay: A Leader in Soybean Production and Export**

Paraguay: A Leader in Soybean Production and Export

Paraguay, a country located in the heart of South America, is making waves in the global soybean market. With a forecasted record production of 10.4 million tons of soybeans in 2024 [[1]], Paraguay is cementing its position as the world’s third-largest soybean exporter. The country’s agricultural sector contributes 30% of its local Gross Domestic Product (GDP), with soybeans being a significant contributor to this figure [[3]].

Government Support and Environmental Focus

The government of Paraguay, led by President Santiago Peña, is actively supporting the soybean industry, recognizing its importance to the country’s economy. The Minister of Agriculture and Livestock, Carlos Giménez, has emphasized the need for Paraguay to maintain its competitiveness in the global market, while also promoting environmentally friendly agriculture practices [[2]]. Paraguay’s focus on sustainable agriculture has enabled the country to increase its productivity while minimizing its environmental footprint.

Ramping Up Soybean Planting Area

To further boost soybean production, Paraguay is planning to increase its planted area by 2024. The forecasted planted area for the first crop, or zafra, soybeans is 3 million hectares, with an additional 700,000 hectares to be planted in the zafriña crop [[2]]. This expansion is expected to contribute to the country’s goal of exceeding 10 million tons of soybean production.

Competitiveness and Productivity

Minister Giménez has urged soybean producers to prioritize productivity and increase their production per hectare. He believes that by working together, the public and private sectors can drive growth and development in Paraguay. The government is also investing in technology to improve agricultural efficiency and mitigate the impact of adverse weather conditions [[2]].

Direct Sowing: A Key to Paraguay’s Success

Paraguay’s soybean industry has been built on the foundation of direct sowing, a practice that has contributed to the country’s success in the global market. Direct sowing allows for more efficient use of resources, minimizes soil disturbance, and promotes soil conservation. This environmentally friendly approach has enabled Paraguay to maintain its competitiveness in the face of challenging weather conditions.


Paraguay’s soybean industry is poised for continued growth and success, driven by government support, environmentally friendly practices, and a focus on productivity. With a forecasted record production of 10.4 million tons in 2024, Paraguay is solidifying its position as a leader in global soybean production and export. As the country continues to prioritize sustainability and innovation, it is likely to remain a key player in the global agricultural market.



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