So you can expel intruders from your Wi-Fi network

Increasing security is important, as well as not giving the key to too many people.

Sometimes we can have security problems with our wireless networks. They usually happen because we have not taken adequate measures.

But in addition to having unwanted intruders who have attacked our network, we can also run into the problem that at some point we have given the access code to a person and we do not want them to continue connecting.

Read on to find out what options you have to kick users off the Wi-Fi network.

How to kick a user

It is very different if we have seen intruders in our Wi-Fi network that we do not know, or if on the contrary it is a user or device that we do not want to connect to the network, but that at some point we gave permission. It may be someone who has come to our house and we have given him the Wi-Fi password, for example.

Be that as it may, we have different options to prevent a specific user or device from connecting to our network. Let’s talk regarding the main ones we have.

  • Change Wi-Fi network password

Undoubtedly the best option to kick a user out of our network is to change the Wi-Fi password. Thus, any user or device that was connected to our network is automatically left out.

Of course, in this case it must be taken into account that not only a specific user would be left out, but it would also happen with any other connected device or user. We would have to reconfigure the new key or encryption in each case.

Whenever we create a new key, we must follow the same pattern to make it strong and complex: it must contain letters (upper and lower case), numbers and other special characters, it is recommended that it be 12 characters or longer, and if possible, let it be random.

  • NetCut, an external program to kick a user from Wi-Fi

We can also use external programs. An example is NetCut. This software allows us to have control over all the equipment that is connected to our router.

In case we want to kick out one in particular, we can do it easily with this application. One more utility that we have available. Of course, in this case we must bear in mind that we are going to have to install additional software on our computer.

We must always download it from official sources and not make mistakes that may affect our security.

NetCut is an interesting program that allows us to expel a user from the wireless network.

Creating MAC filtering alone isn’t going to greatly improve the security of your wireless network, but it might make it impossible for a particular user or device to connect.

It is, therefore, one of the options we have to expel users from our Wi-Fi. Especially we will be able to kick out those who have less knowledge, who have simply entered because they have found out the password for some reason.

To do this we have to identify the MAC address of that user. We can go into the router, which is usually accessed through the default gateway, and enter the credentials.

If we don’t know what the gateway is, we can easily find out. We have to go to Start, open the Command Prompt and then execute the ipconfig command. It will show us a series of data among which are what interests us. This way we can access our device.

The password is usually generic of the type admin123, 1234, etc. However, it is highly recommended that we never leave that access key and that we change it to a much stronger one that can keep hackers away and that does not compromise our security at any time.

The process will depend on the router we have, but in general we will have to enter Wireless and access the MAC address filter option.

  • Reset router settings

A bit similar to the password change we mentioned earlier. If we reset the router and return to factory settings, in case we have previously changed the password and configuration, all users are left out of it.

Ultimately they would not know the new credentials and the configuration would not allow them to stay connected.

It’s a quick way to kick any user. Of course, once once more we would be blocking access to all other users and devices. We would have to generate a new secure key.

This option will automatically lock out all users connecting through the wireless network. It’s going to allow us to throw out any team we have connected.

However, this would only be valid if we are not going to want to use Wi-Fi. For example, if we are going to connect by cable and the only thing we want is that there are no more devices that can be connected. It is a more drastic measure but one that we also wanted to include.

To do this we will have to enter the router once more. We can access the advanced settings, enter Wi-Fi and, depending on our model, find the corresponding option to disable the wireless network.

At any time we can reverse the situation. It can even help us save time while we change the password or carry out any changes.

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