So you can eliminate flies from your house

2023-06-04 00:27:48

There are animals that are a nuisance in people’s daily lives, because they get tired following dealing with them for a while. We can say that the insects are usually in this categorization and, flies stand out in the list. At some point they break into our home and they become a problem, that’s why we give you some tips to put an end to them.

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In addition, the flies they can transmit diseases, something that can be explained by the many places they roam, which are not very clean, so for many people it is essential not to keep them in casa.

How can I eliminate flies from my house?

Among the remedies that you can use to end the flies, you can use bags of water and hang them on the ceilings, door frames, columns or shelves. If this method has reached our days, it will be for a reason.

There is no scientific evidence, but it is believed that light reflecting off the water creates a frightening visual effect for the highly developed eyes of the flies.

Another option is to implement, are the repellent plants of flies. The valuable thing in this case passes, because they refresh the environment and are even used for cooking. Among the most popular to use are: Citronella, basil, bay leaf, calendula, sage, mint, lavender, rosemary and wormwood.

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And finally, the use of cloves and lemons can also be a good resource to eliminate flies. The explanation is that you have to cut the fruit in half and to the walls you have to stick the nails that, being impregnated with this dressing, will become a scare for these insects, so they will want to be as far away from your house as possible.

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