So you can add a person on WhatsApp without asking for their number

the reign of WhatsApp within the instant messaging applications it is totally undeniable, over the years since its release 13 years ago in 2009, millions of users have been added due to its easy handling and popularity. Even so, there are a couple of tricks that not many know and that is why today we are going to tell you how to add someone without asking for their number.

Just as hundreds of millions of people use the WhatsApp platform on a daily basis, we must take into account that it is anchored to telephone numbers, something that time has also taken its toll on, since many people want to be able to use the app without these ties and sometimes everyone wishes that adding a new contact was easier and faster.

We tell you how you can add a person to WhatsApp without the cumbersome process of asking for the number

Critics of the app have taken the subject of anchoring to phone numbers with special weight in recent years, taking as an example the way WhatsApp’s biggest competition works, the Telegram app, where although you start by registering through from a phone number, you eventually end up with an account of your own.

To understand this and know why WhatsApp makes us ask for the numbers of those we want to add to our contacts, we have to go back to the past, more specifically the birth of the platform. WhatsApp was originally born as an alternative to text messages and it was never thought that it might have all the functions it has.

Since WhatsApp is currently seen as a kind of social network and not as a messaging service, in part because those limits have been blurred more and more, many users want to get rid of the tethering to phone numbers and surprisingly there is a way to do so to add a new contact.

The method is quite simple and it is not necessary to install any third-party application, you simply have to open WhatsApp and then go to the settings by entering the icon with three points at the top, when you are already in the settings you will see your name and your photo profile and next to it a small icon of a QR code, where you must enter.

Clicking on the icon will take you to a screen with a QR code that contains your contact information. After this you must ask the other person to do exactly the same, settings and then the QR code icon, but in this case, the person must go to the “Scan code” option, with which they can scan with their camera the code on your screen.

After this, a new chat will open between both accounts and you will be able to start chatting with the person without any problems and without going through the process of asking for a number or typing it wrong.

Another method to add contacts to WhatsApp without leaving the application

While many have gotten used to leaving the app to write down someone’s number, save it in contacts and return to WhatsApp to start chatting, there is an easy way to do this without leaving the app.

Like the previous method, it is simple, but it does require the phone number of the other person. You just have to go to the icon to start a new chat and add contact will appear among the options, you put the number, the name and that’s it.

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