Online scams are the order of the day, especially those in which criminals pose as banks. Recently, the National Cybersecurity Institute (Incibe)
has alerted regarding the emergence of a new campaign in which criminals pose as the CaixaBank banking entity with the aim of stealing users’ online banking passwords.
According to the institution, which points out that the malicious campaign is having a high incidence, it all begins with an email in which the criminals explain to the Internet user that «As of 01/19/2022 you cannot use your Card». Incibe, however, does not rule out that similar campaigns are being carried out, where the matter varies.
In the body of the message, the user is instructed to activate a new security system and, to do so, you have to ‘click’ on a hyperlink that accompanies the text. If you click on it, you are redirected to a malicious page that tries to pass itself off as the official CaixaBank page. There, the Internet user is asked for a wide variety of personal data; among them, the passwords that allow access to online banking.

However, if the user notices You will be able to verify that on the page you can see some writing error. One of the main signs of identity in scams of this type. If the Internet user fills in the access data, and clicks on the option “Enter CaixaBankNow” at the bottom of the screen, the cybercriminals will continue to request data through various form screens.
PTo avoid falling into this trap, all cybersecurity experts recommend distrusting all those messages that seek to alert the user to act quickly. In cases such as the one affecting CaixaBank and its customers, the best thing the user can do is to contact the entity through another channel in order to clear up any doubts. Never responding directly to email.