04 feb 2023 om 13:06Update: 5 uur geleden
Germany, like Denmark and Sweden, launched an investigation into the explosions at the bottom of the Baltic Sea. The German investigators use two ships to clear up the sabotage.
The explosions in September last year released a lot of gas. The pipelines, which run from Russia to Germany, were badly damaged. Frank says he is in regular contact with Denmark and Sweden regarding the research. Russia itself has also launched an investigation into “this act of international terrorism”.
Wat is Nord Stream?
- De Nord Stream 1 en 2 zijn onderzeese pijpleidingen in de Oostzee. Ze brengen Russisch gas van Rusland naar Duitsland en kunnen zo miljoenen Europese huishoudens aan warmte helpen.
- De nieuwste, Nord Stream 2, is door de oorlog in Oekraïne nooit in gebruik genomen. Daarnaast sloot Rusland de Nord Stream 1 in september voor onbepaalde tijd.
- Op het moment van de explosies werd er dus geen aardgas geleverd. Wel zaten er nog restanten gas in de leiding.
The Kremlin denies allegations that Russia itself is behind the sabotage and points the finger of blame at the United States. That country was outspoken opponent of the gas pipelines between Germany and Russia.
In early February 2022, just before the Russian invasion of Ukraine, US President Joe Biden said that if Russia invaded Ukraine, Nord Stream would be over. The US denies any involvement in the sabotage.
The Nord Stream pipelines are important for the German gas supply. For many years, Nord Stream 1 was an important source of income for Moscow. It was also an important instrument to exert influence in Europe.