SNTE Leader Promises Good News for Teachers in 2024 Salary Response Negotiations

2024-04-02 02:06:02

The leader of Section 14 of the National Union of Education Workers (SNTE), Silvano Palacios Salgado, stated that there will be good news for teachers regarding the 2024 Salary Response.

And he stated that the announcement on the results of the SEP-SNTE 2024 negotiation will be made shortly.

During an interview, the union leader pointed out that the negotiations on the National List of Demands with the Ministry of Public Education will soon be closed, while expressing his confidence in the national leadership of the SNTE, headed by teacher Alfonso Cepeda Salas.

“We are confident that very soon there will be historic responses to the National List of Demands that all education workers previously constructed because they participated in a national survey, which is why we expect good news very soon,” declared.

He also expressed the need to review the General Law of the System for the Career of Teachers, especially the demand to eliminate the USICAMM, since he stated that said institution harms the labor rights of teachers.

Finally, he referred to the problems in the educational sector of Guerrero, where he expressed that Section 14 of the SNTE maintains its position that if the Secretary of Education of that State does not resolve its demands, There will be no return to classes on April 8.

#SEPSNTE #Negotiation #Closing #Ready #good #news #expected

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