SNRT Acquires 86.3% of Medi 1 Radio: Public Sector Restructuring in Morocco

SNRT Acquires 86.3% of Medi 1 Radio: Public Sector Restructuring in Morocco

2024-03-01 14:20:00

The head of government, Aziz Akhannouch, entrusted the National Radio and Television Company (SNRT) with the acquisition of 86.3% of the capital of Medi 1 Radio as well as its subsidiary, REGIE3. This decision was ratified by decree number 2.23.679, promulgated on 6 Chaâban 1445 (February 16, 2024) and published in the Official Bulletin number 7275 of February 19, 2024.

This measure is part of the initiatives aimed at the restructuring of public companies active in the national audiovisual sector, in accordance with the royal guidelines for the reform of the public sector set out in the Speech from the Throne on July 29, 2020. The objective is to rectify the structural imbalances of institutions and public enterprises while ensuring optimal integration and cohesion between their respective missions.

This strategic orientation aims to consolidate the presence of the SNRT on the national and international media scene, to broaden its audience and to improve the quality of its content, the subject of numerous discussions.

The situation of public channels was last addressed in Parliament in December 2015, during the government led by the Justice and Development Party (PJD) during the Arab Spring.

Importantly, the Education, Culture and Communication Commission had presented a critical report on public media, highlighting the need for radical reforms and emphasizing that all public sector channels were facing “ an obsolete structure, hindering their ability to meet the challenges they face« .

The Competition Council had also been informed of an economic concentration project concerning the acquisition by SNRT of 86.3% of the capital and voting rights of Medi 1 Radio. In a press release dated May 2023, the Council specified that this operation affected the markets for the broadcasting of radio programs and advertising, in accordance with the legislation in force.

Medi 1 Radio, founded in 1980, is one of the oldest semi-public radio stations in Morocco, enjoying a large audience across the country. Recognized for its diversity of information, cultural and entertainment programs, as well as for its important role in promoting Moroccan, Arabic and Western music, it broadcasts its programs in Arabic and French.

#SNRT #acquires #Medi1

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