Snow Man Raoul’s Paris Runway & Insta excitement The first purpose is to “level up the group” | NEWS Post Seven

Some fans had mixed feelings regarding Snow Man Raoul’s Paris runway (photographed by Johnny’s)

Snow Man, which consists of 9 members, is known as the group with the largest number of people in Johnny’s office. Last year until the end of the year, while doing a nationwide tour of 35 performances in 8 cities, he was also doing regular and solo activities, and spent his days at full capacity. In the meantime, the youngest member of the group achieved a feat.

Raoul (19 years old) made his runway debut at the “Yoji Yamamoto Pour Homme” collection held in Paris, France on January 20th, Japan time. Then, Ren Meguro (25 years old), a member of the same group, rushed to the audience seats incognito and watched Raul shine on her runway.

Talking to the fans in Paris, when the image of Raoul talking in English while being shy was uploaded on SNS, the fans cheered, saying “nice” and “amazing”. However, on the other hand, there are many fans who have mixed feelings.

“When I saw the footage of Paris on social media, Raoul and staff members I didn’t usually see were acting together. Could it be…”

There’s a reason fans are worried. This is because disturbing rumors have been circulating since November last year.

“In the first place, Snow Man was a group that Hideaki Takizawa carefully nurtured. Since Mr. Takizawa suddenly left Johnny’s office in November last year, there have been growing concerns regarding Snow Man’s future.” person)

It was Instagram that caused more anxiety. On January 15th of this year, Raul opened a personal Instagram account, which was followed by regarding 1 million people in 5 days.

“From the end of last year to this year, there has been a rush to open personal Instagrams for Johnny’s celebrities. All the seniors in the “older brother group” such as.. Fans felt uncomfortable that Raul, who is only 19 years old, opened a personal account despite having a group account. “ Doubts also came out.” (entertainment reporter)



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