SNI builds populations –

The DGs of the SNI, Hermann Kamonomono edifying the populations of Essassa on the land regularization process © D.R

Determined to put an end to all the erroneous information sometimes conveyed by malicious people, the Director General of the National Real Estate Company (SNI), Hermann Kamonomono, accompanied by his teams, went to the locality of Essassa (23 km from Libreville) to raise awareness among the population on the land regularization process, the campaign for which was launched on August 7.

The meeting between the head of the SNI and the population was intended to be educational. To make the future priority beneficiaries of the plots established on the land title of 1200 hectares belonging to this specialized company, the secular arm of the State, understand the urgent need to comply with administrative acts.

“During this exercise, it was therefore a question of exchanging, collecting the concerns of the populations and also collecting their contributions to possibly improve the progress of the regularization operation which is an operation which mainly aims to help our compatriots to become owners”, Mr. Kamonomono said.

All the clarifications were given to the potential future owners of the plots, who were invited to go to the SNI headquarters for more information © DR

During the awareness-raising session, which took place in an atmosphere of mutual respect, the SNI made it clear to the population that the inventory operation would last four months, but the “payment period is indefinite because not everyone is in the same boat.”

The SNI will have to agree with each occupant of space on a method that is suitable for them for the payment in order, it is indicated, to facilitate access to cleanliness for as many people as possible.

Pour Hermann Kamonomono, “We are going for staggered payments over several years.”

The vast land regularization campaign called: “Essassa Ma Terre”, initiated by the SNI, following the firm instructions of the President of the Transition, General Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema, also aims to put an end to recurring land conflicts in this booming locality which is home to industrial companies.


2024-09-01 19:55:20
#SNI #builds #populations



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