Sneaking into Tomorrowland: The Shocking Story of Acid’s Illegal Entry and the Festival’s Response

2023-08-01 16:35:00

It is well known, the sesame to go to the Tomorrowland festival is a rare commodity so much it is prized by the whole world. And even if it offers two weekends, i.e. 200,000 festival-goers, it’s a hassle, tickets sell out in 10 seconds. Never mind, the Youtuber Acid wanted at all costs to participate in this 17th edition. Only way for the young man? Illegal entry into the festival grounds. How ? Sneaking through football pitches, gardens and nettles at dusk as seen in his video posted on his YouTube channel. If Nathan does not advise anyone to reproduce what he has done, he shows no regrets. “Tomorrowland’s security is very strict. It was hell. There was a huge barbed wire”, explains the one who lost one of his shoes on the way.

Enough to make the festival react to Het Laatste Nieuws. “The organizers of the festival were aware of the facts, specifies the spokesperson for the festival, Debby Wilmsen, to the Flemish newspaper. “He still forgot to mention some things in his video. Acid was arrested and spent a night in a cell with his girlfriend. He also left the latter at the aid station, because she had fallen into the bushes and had found herself stuck behind the barriers. His girlfriend received first aid on the spot and therefore spent the night in the cell. The young man can come and get his identity card at the lost property, as well as his shoes.

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