SMEs in Río Negro and Neuquén, between optimism and pending claims

2023-10-07 15:20:00

The SME business community of Río Negro and Neuquén was present at the CAME meeting to listen to the presidential candidates. In addition to sharing the feeling of lack of details in the main government proposals, all forces raised their own problems. and, although they were optimistic about future projections for activities such as tourism or energy production, they pointed out the problems generated by widespread uncertainty about the macroeconomy.

From the sector, infrastructure problems, excess bureaucracy and tax and subsidy designs focused on Buenos Aires were pointed out as some of the issues, while inflation and exchange rate instability were shared with other regions.

Alfredo González, head of CAME: “Patagonia has less than 1% of the electoral roll, but 50% of the exports.”

Patagonia as a block

From CAME, its president Alfredo González highlighted the need to strengthen the “Patagonic bloc” to take advantage of the opportunities that the global economy offers the region and address not only growth but development, which is ultimately what benefits the population.

“Growth can occur due to different situations. Vaca Muerta is an example, and surely other provinces may have other drivers, such as tourism. But if development is not generated, there is no employment or roots for the population. That is the great challenge, policies are needed that generate conditions to strengthen not only large enterprises but also small and medium-sized companies. associated, generate an environment of investments that are established in the region and generate genuine employment,” said González.

Among the deficiencies, infrastructure stood out. “There is no doubt that better air and land connectivity is needed, having the Patagonian Train again is essential, for example, also improving and expanding the road network for connection between regions. We must think of the region as a block, since although it has only 0.6% of the electoral roll, today it represents almost 50% of exports,” he graphed.

Lucas Mántaras, head of the Federación de Entidades Empresarias de Neuquén, member of CAME.

Neuquén and inequalities

One of those attending the meeting was Lucas Mántaras, president of the Federation of Neuquén Business Entities (member of CAME) and secretary of the Chamber of Commerce of San Martín de los Andes. When evaluating the meeting with the candidates, he pointed out that “I understand that we are in a campaign and many are saying what we want to hear, but it is positive that at least the concerns of the sector are addressed.” He explained that among the questions asked to Luis Petri, for example, was the issue of the Comahue Tariff, which the region lost.

Río Negro and Neuquén are the main producers of hydroelectric energy in the country and we pay completely asymmetric rates to those paid by the AMBA, for example. They promise us that they will match the rates, but not when or how. We have lost many benefits, not only in rates, but in royalties, for the benefit of the national government,” he noted.

He added that “the level of uncertainty is great, not only for the future but for tomorrow. We do not know what the new government will be or what its economic plan will be, in this scenario of thirds where anything can happen,” he exemplified.

When asked what the priorities of small and medium-sized businesses in Neuquén would be before a future government, regardless of the sign, he highlighted the need for policies that promote employment.

Today there are SMEs that do not hire personnel despite needing them, because they know that labor laws complicate them and create a lot of risk for them. Labor laws must be modernized, we, for example, do not have the figure of the apprentice, today a person without any training enters and earns the same as a collaborator with years and experience. Projects are made to reduce working hours and the business sector is not consulted,” he exemplified.

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Mántaras agreed on the infrastructure problems. “We produce gas for the entire country but we have stopped the mountain gas pipeline due to lack of investment in two compressor plants.which have had projects and tenders dropped for 4 years due to lack of funds from the Nation. Route 40, which runs through the entire province and the mountain range, is in terrible condition. Last week we filed a complaint with the National Highway Administration. for urgent measures to be taken, because it not only harms economic activity but is generating deaths from avoidable accidents,” he said.

Tourism: better, but lacking

Enzo Mazzoleni, representative of the Bariloche tourism sector

For its part, Enzo Mazzoleni, businessman linked to the tourism sector of Bariloche, He highlighted that the good prospects for the tourist season are also clouded by economic uncertainty and infrastructure problems.

“I am satisfied with the presentation of the candidates, we have been able to listen to some specific proposals, although we have to take into account that this is the middle of the electoral campaign. But it is a good way to engage them for tomorrow, to demand that they take over,” he summarized the day. “Although the economic uncertainty is great, the prospects for Bariloche and the entire mountain region: Villa la Angostura, San Martín, El Bolsón, are good. We cannot complain, we have had several good seasons that They have allowed us to recover from the disaster and debt left by the pandemic, which hit us hard. We can almost say that in Bariloche there are almost no seasons, we have been with 70% occupancy almost all year round,” he summarized.

He highlighted the benefits of the Pre-Trip, in which Bariloche was the most chosen destination for the fifth consecutive year. However, he also pointed to the issue of remaining fundamental works.

A small start would be to complete works such as the Bariloche terminal. And we have been fighting for years with the expansion of the Circuito Chico route, “It is only 24 kilometers but it is the main showcase of the region,” he exemplified. She added that much progress has been made in reducing informality, both in accommodation and work, but there is still more to do.

“The risk is that tomorrow a problem or accident will occur and the media will not appear that someone died in accommodation (LH)

#SMEs #Río #Negro #Neuquén #optimism #pending #claims

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