Smartphone addiction: My smartphone and I at the couples therapist

Smartphone addiction: My smartphone and I at the couples therapist

Before you fall asleep, after you wake up: many people find their smartphone closer than they would like. © [M] Victoria Romulo/​

There are hundreds of guide books and articles about how to reduce your dependence on your smartphone. ZEIT-WISSEN reporter Rahel Lang tried many tips – and failed again and again. Until she came up with the idea of ​​having a couples therapist analyze her toxic relationship with her smartphone.

In addition: Diakonie has had a “social robot” move into a shared apartment for people with disabilities. He converses using ChatGPT. What is social about it? A report.

In his impossible column, Christoph Drösser examines the question of why people sometimes think that their cell phone is vibrating, even though this is not the case.

And Hella Kemper reports on the feedback to her article about children being sent away.


There is more information about the science podcast festival on October 11th in Berlin at the Museum of Natural History.

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(When advertising is played, the chapters shift by approximately 45 seconds)

00:00   Der
Paartherapeut Eric Hegmann
00:55 My partner
02:46 When I destroyed my phone
05:03 How the therapist speaks on the cell phone
06:35 Are iOS and Android equally invasive?
08:12 What bothers me about the relationship
10:25 The philosopher Beate Rössler on Apple, Google and Co
13:22 The love triangle with ChatGPT
15:08 A social robot moves into a shared apartment
17:11 Can a “social” robot be empathetic?
22:02 The Impossible Column: Phantom Vibration Alarm
26:13 Feedback on the episode about sending children away
28:45 to win free tickets

There are hundreds of guide books and articles about how to reduce your dependence on your smartphone. ZEIT-WISSEN reporter Rahel Lang tried many tips – and failed again and again. Until she came up with the idea of ​​having a couples therapist analyze her toxic relationship with her smartphone.

In addition: Diakonie has had a “social robot” move into a shared apartment for people with disabilities. He converses using ChatGPT. What is social about it? A report.

In his impossible column, Christoph Drösser examines the question of why people sometimes think that their cell phone is vibrating, even though this is not the case.



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