Smart ventilation systems for modern private houses – Lääne Elu

Gone are the days when the ventilation system meant a ventilation window or an opening with a valve in the outer wall of a private house. In the same way, the smartness of the ventilation system is no longer based on the subjective feeling of the person in the room to open the ventilation hatch when the room is full of kitchen smells or to close the window when the room gets too cool.

Photo: freepik

Modern private house ventilation systems are versatile, smart and balanced solutions that monitor various indoor and outdoor air parameters and automatically correct and balance themselves according to the received data.

So that the warm air is not wasted

Most of the time, we assume that when it comes to technology, the word “smart” means a big color screen with all kinds of “whistles and lights” set up on it. In fact, smartness starts with much simpler aspects.

For example, frugal is smart. With high energy prices, it is wise to save the energy used for heating a private house. And when it comes to ventilation systems, it provides a good opportunity to optimize both energy consumption and heating costs ventilation with heat recovery.

How does heat recovery ventilation work? Very simply! Instead of throwing all the energy spent on heating the indoor air outside through the pipes, the air sent out of the residence passes through the heat exchanger and heats up the cool outdoor air coming in from the outside. The efficiency of the best heat exchangers reaches over 90 percent, which means that the heating devices only have to work a little harder to keep the temperature in the room at the desired level.

The smart system monitors the air humidity

Today, the ventilation system is much more than just exchanging room air with fresh air from outside. Of course, air exchange is the main activity of ventilation, but at the same time, smart sensors monitor a number of parameters that help ensure room air quality that meets the standards.

One of the most important criteria for high-quality indoor air is air humidity. Normal humidity at home could be within 40-55 percent. If the room air is too dry, we feel it very directly in the form of dry mucous membranes and poor sleep.

Smart ventilation systems monitor the air humidity in all rooms of a private house and, if necessary, return part of the humidity to the rooms together with the fresh air that is blown in, so that the air does not become excessively dry. This one is especially necessary ventilation in the case of cold and dry air in winter, when the air is dried not only by the cold, but also by a more intensively working heating system.

Wet windows do not bode well

In any modern private house, without ventilation, it is not possible to guarantee that the room air will not become too humid. The effect of excess humidity on human health is much more hidden, long-term and insidious than that of dry air.

After all, we know that excess moisture creates a favorable environment for the growth of mold and fungi. Many respiratory diseases are related to spores caused by molds and fungi circulating in bad, or too humid, room air. The most visible symptoms of excess moisture are the appearance of mold spots in the corners of the ceiling and walls sweaty windows – a wet, foggy-like coating or condensation appearing on the inside of the glass. The higher the humidity level in the room, the longer the condensation stays on the glass.

The cause of excessive humidity is the low intensity of air exchange, in other words, the air in the house does not change quickly enough and the ventilation should do its job a little faster.

The most effective mechanism for preventing excessive humidity is a proper ventilation system. More capable systems monitor CO in circulating air in addition to humidity and temperature2 or carbon dioxide and fine particles. By analyzing all these data, smart ventilation systems can regulate themselves. For example, by increasing the speed of air circulation to the necessary extent and at the same time the intensity of heat exchange to ensure that the entire system remains in balance and the indoor air in the residential building remains within the set parameters.

Of course, smart ventilation systems for private houses also have the above-mentioned modern touch-sensitive control panels and a user-friendly and easily managed user interface, even for children, but this is only the tip of the iceberg of the smartness of ventilation systems and the most striking part.

2024-10-14 07:25:00
#Smart #ventilation #systems #modern #private #houses #Lääne #Elu



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