Small surprise: the Zelda-like Tunic is available in the Game Pass

Game News Small surprise: the Zelda-like Tunic is available in the Game Pass

We did not expect it, but the Xbox Game Pass has just made a nice surprise for all its subscribers.

Last minute surprise

After unveiling the program for the second half of March, we didn’t expect Xbox Game Pass to have a last-minute surprise in store for us… And yet it does. Indeed, in addition to Shredders, The Dungeon of Naheulbeuk: The Amulet of Disorder, Tainted Grail: Conquest, Zero Escape: The Nonary Games, NORCO, F1 2021, Crusader Kings III and Weird West, Microsoft’s subscription service will also host Tunic in its ranks, and good news, the latter is already available.

Over the next (almost) four years, Tunic has grown astonishingly. The development team and the game itself have multiplied and thousands of new fans have shared their excitement with us. Starting today, we invite you to discover Tunic and all the secrets it has to offer on Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S and with Xbox Game Pass. Harris Foster, Senior Community Manager chez Finji

Unfortunately, as you can see, this great news only concerns owners of an Xbox One and an Xbox Series X|S for the moment. Yes, although the title is also available on PC, this version is not affected by the offer.

Updated by JeromeJoffardon March 16, 2022 at 7:30:54 PM

Small correction: Tunic is indeed available in the Game Pass PC. The application has just been updated and now offers the title in the Recently Added section.

Already a crush!

On our side, our test fell, and what we can tell you is that Tunic is already a real favorite. Indeed, our dear Indee opted for a 17 out of 20 and defined Tunic as “a terrific puzzle-adventure game” and as a title that is much more than a “very good Zelda-like”.

To find out more regarding our test, we suggest you go to this page as quickly as possible.

Also to be read

By JeromeJoffardWriting


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