Small animals on a long journey! | PID press

The City of Vienna environmental protection keeps an eye on amphibians on the move

Vienna (OTS) As spring quietly approaches, frogs, toads and newts follow suit and head out to their spawning grounds. Most of the time they are silent and practically invisible because they are well camouflaged in the preferred twilight. Therefore, the animals are particularly endangered when crossing roads.

The City of Vienna Environmental Protection looks after your toads and helps them safely across the street with the support of the departments for water, climate, agriculture and forestry, from the districts and volunteers. Thanks to these measures and a great deal of personal commitment on the part of the helpers, a large number of individuals can be saved every year. This is a valuable contribution to the preservation of biodiversity in Vienna.

Go and see the toad fence?

Where possible, the City of Vienna Environmental Protection has already had amphibian underpasses built on the main hiking routes, for example in the Prater, on Rosentalstrasse or Senderstrasse near Bisamberg. Those who want to observe the natural spectacle of the amphibian migration can do so particularly well at the underpasses. But please keep your distance and dogs away so that the toads and frogs are not stressed.

In other places, at the Hanslteich or on Amundsenstraße, temporary toad fences are erected in the spring. Here, the wandering amphibians are brought across the street by expert carers. The fence bucket method is usually used for this. Buckets are dug into the tarpaulin guidance systems so that the animals can flop into them and be carried across the street. Attention: The buckets must have holes so that the animals do not drown in them when it rains. Although they are amphibians, after the larval stage as a tadpole, gill breathing is over and they need air.

Despite all this, we ask all motorists to drive carefully and slowly, especially on the routes marked with toad signs. There are many animals on the road, especially on rainy days, so it can help to leave the car at home or take other routes. Thank you for contributing to species protection in Vienna!

Strictly protected and useful heralds of spring

All amphibians found in Vienna – newts, salamanders, frogs, toads and toads – are strictly protected under the Vienna Nature Conservation Act. No harm may be done to them or their habitat. However, they may be rescued or taken out of a danger area and set down again nearby. But please always pay attention to your own safety!

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Amphibians are useful as natural fighters of mosquito and mosquito larvae. When frogs and common toads start calling, it can sometimes be quite noisy. Still, the love songs of the amphibians are a nice hint of spring, as are the chirping of birds and the hum of bees. I’m sure we’d miss all of that a lot if the city suddenly fell silent.

Find out more about amphibian life with the City of Vienna Environmental Protection

Overall, there are numerous different amphibian species in Vienna, including: common toad, green toad and common spadefoot toad, grass frog, pond frog, tree frog, marsh frog, jumping frog and moor frog as well as yellow and fire-bellied toad, salamander and, in addition to smooth and mountain newt, the particularly rare Alps – and Danube crested newts.

Anyone who would like to find out more about the interesting animals that live on land and in the water can obtain information from the City of Vienna for environmental protection. Folders, videos and podcasts are linked at

Promoting amphibians in your own garden is also quite simple: Biotopes with edges that are not too steep, shrubs and woody plants to linger in and a pile of leaves or compost as a winter hiding place.

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Questions & contact:

Silvia Kubu
City of Vienna environmental protection
Phone: 01 4000 73426

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