“Small Actions for Big Benefits: Taking Care of Your Pelvic Floor for Health and Happiness”

2023-04-29 06:56:41

Few people care regarding it. pelvic floor, unless it gives them trouble, but when that happens it’s hard to go back. The sad thing is that many might have been avoided with small gestures of care. Women internalize, especially from the age of 40, the gynecological examinations and medical check-upsbut nevertheless we forgot the pelvic floor. Serious mistake, because despite its discreet size and position it is essential for our health and quality of life.

The problems that its deterioration can cause go a long way. beyond the urinary incontinenceor bladder prolapse, the best known. It is necessary to know that if this set of muscles does not have the proper tone, the problems come to the sexual intercoursepain in the pelvic area or Urinary infectionsamong several others.

There are habits as simple as keeping the vaginal area (external and internal) hydrated that most women are unaware of and do not practice. let’s tell you four tips you may not know that will improve your health and your quality of life, inside and out.

Pelvic floor: so small, so important

Also known as the pelvic floor or pelvic diaphragm, the pelvic floor is a world… a small set of fascias and muscles that nevertheless support enormous weight and perform a fundamental job of keeping the bladder, intestines, and uterus in place. and the urinary and anal sphincters. “I fell in love with the pelvic floor,” he says Lola Ibanez, a specialist physiotherapist in this field who has treated thousands of women. “As a professional dancer, I knew that my artistic career would only last a while,” which is why, more than ten years ago, this restless woman turned her passion for the human body into physiotherapy, the profession she had trusted so many times when she suffered an injury. . But the third professional leap came with his maternity, when he was aware of the fundamental role of the pelvic floor. Since then he has dedicated himself completely to this facet, being one of the great Spanish experts in pelviperinology“I never focus only on the pelvic floor, because if I don’t solve a problem that might come back. You have to look at the posture, the buttocks, the daily routine, the gynecological state.” The human body is a whole, and that is why an integrative look is necessary.

Consulting the pelvic floor physiotherapist in the postpartum period is very important to prevent later problems.gtty. TELVA.

The stressed pelvic floor…

Despite the fundamental role it plays in our body, the pelvic floor is for many many women a great unknown that they do not even know how to locate when they are asked to get it. However, faced with certain warning symptoms, many launch themselves into standard exercises without knowing if they are the ones that benefit them or not. “The same cannot be recommended for a woman with pelvic hypertonia (excess muscle tension) as with pelvic hypotonia (excess laxity). Both cases cause problems, some even the same, but only with an examination can it be distinguished,” warns the physiotherapist . “For example, the Chinese balls, which many women decide to use without prior consultation, in the case of being hypotonic they will probably fall off, and in the case of being hypotonic they will surely hurt. That is why in consultation we recommend a specific technique or device depending on the problem “.

We also have quite a mess with the tone of our abdomen: “We confuse having a strong abdomen with having an aesthetic abdomen, and it is not like that. A person can be overweight and have a strong abdomen, or have a flat but not very powerful abdomen,” says the specialist.

  • #Tip #1: Become aware of your pelvic floor. Feel and learn where each component part is. Make long contractions (at least 20 seconds, you can breathe, but don’t relax); 50% contractions (try to reach half of the maximum contraction possible) and fast second and release contractions.

Sexuality and the pelvic floor, united for life

The sexuality is important not only from the emotional and psychological point of view, but also for its physiological benefits for all the organs and parts of the body involved. “When there is a orgasm, in the body there is a torrent of physical reactions: cardiovascular, chemical-hormonal and also muscular. The spasms that are generated tense the pelvic and vaginal muscles, a very beneficial exercise to prevent atrophy. But it is also that the mucosa generated is the best hydration for the vagina”.

The vagina is one of the entrances and exits of microbiota most important part of the body, and yet we take very little care of it compared to our mouth. “The vagina must be hydrated daily with cream or oil, Both inside and out. In this way, the specific PH of this area is maintained, infections are prevented and, on the other hand, it will make the tone more suitable, especially in phases such as the menopause where general dehydration of the tissues increases”. There are many brands of pharmacy and parapharmacy that offer specific moisturizers for this area.

  • #Tip #2: Orgasms are good for everythingalso for your pelvic floor
  • #Tip #3: hydrate your vagina internally and externallywith specific moisturizers or oils that are as natural as possible, and if possible, enriched with vitamin E.

Prevention is the formula for success

Although the pelvic floor examination should be something integrated into our annual health check-ups from a young age, there are times when they become essential: postpartum, menopauseincontinence, problem in sexual relations… It is also very important the TAD consultation (transition to sports activity)since starting from the fact that it is always good to do sports, there are physical activities, some very fashionable such as make force, which depends on how they are done can benefit or harm the pelvic floor. “Sometimes as a result of a pelvic floor problem we reach others,” explains the physiotherapist.

The pelvic floor specialist physiotherapist, Lola Ibañez, in consultation with a patient.

Lola Ibáñez consults at Mesalud, a Physiotherapy Clinic founded by the Professor Juan Mesa, one of the most respected voices for the treatment of craniofacial pain (headaches, bruxism, jaw pain…). “It is very curious that we have found an important relationship between TMJ (temporomandibular joint pathology) and pelvic floor hypertonia,” says the physiotherapist. Therefore, it would be of little use to treat pelvic floor tension without taking into account the jaw Stress, and vice versa.

  • #Tip #4: Check your pelvic floor periodicallyespecially following childbirth and menopause.

Talking regarding the pelvic floor is no longer taboo, as is the case with other topics such as menopause or the female pleasure. Lola Ibañez was one of the speakers at the event’Menopause Revolution‘ and one of the professionals who generated the most interest and questions among the attendees (together with the sexuality talk given by Sonia Encinas). ‘What is not talked regarding, does not exist’, says the saying, so if you are worried regarding your pelvic floor, talk regarding it and if not, at least check it once a year.

#told #pelvic #floor #greatly #improve #life



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