Slow and Mindful Eating: The Key to Unlocking Health Benefits and Preventing Metabolic Syndrome

2023-10-29 03:24:00


Have you ever tried to notice yourself? When eating, do we chew thoroughly enough? And how fast do you eat? Because most people live their lives in a hurry. This has resulted in the way people eat today.

Eating quickly has a negative effect on the body’s health, causing Metabolic Syndrome, a food group caused by abnormal metabolism of the body. cause obesity high blood pressure

Try changing your eating habits and you will see how chewing your food slowly gives you benefits.

‘Eating food’ is considered a time of rest. Many people will enjoy the taste. and the joy of tasting food But with limited time causing the need to eat quickly which causes negative effects on the body Because of eating quickly It will cause bloating, flatulence, colic, and indigestion, symptoms that are generally found.

Moreover, if you eat quickly and regularly Not chewing food thoroughly can have a negative effect on your health. Because it makes the digestive system have to work harder and more importantly, it causes ‘obesity’ as well. What are the disadvantages? So how slowly should we actually eat?

What kind of food do you eat that is considered fast? health risk

Eat quickly (takes less than 20 minutes/meal). In such a short time the brain doesn’t know that it’s full. Makes you accidentally eat a lot without realizing it The risk of obesity is 5-6 times greater than that of people who eat slowly. Eating regularly (takes 20-30 minutes/meal) helps you eat food just in time. and have more time The process of fullness takes regarding 20 minutes. Eating slowly also increases happiness during meals. Eating slowly (taking more than 30 minutes per meal) may make you feel full faster. You can eat less because your brain has time to tell you you’re full and the food starts to get cold, so it becomes less delicious. However, eating too late will cause you to waste time doing other things to earn a living.

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Health disadvantages of eating quickly

Eating quickly means not chewing thoroughly. Chew a few times and swallow immediately. Hurry and finish eating. Food that is not chewed takes a long time to digest, causing bloating and flatulence.

Obesity, eating too quickly The body has not yet realized that food has arrived. causing him to not be able to stop his hunger pangs makes us eat more than we are full Taking in more calories than you need increases the risk of diabetes. Because of eating quickly cause you to eat too much which is one risk factor for diabetes GERD eat too quickly causing you to eat more than you are full Increase the risk of acid reflux disease

Eating quickly is a risk factor for a condition called ‘Metabolic Syndrome’, a group of symptoms caused by abnormal metabolism of the body. It is caused by insulin resistance and obesity. It is often found in people with a lot of belly fat. Also known as central obesity.

Metabolic Syndrome causes high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol, which can result in stroke and heart disease. A heart attack occurs. Studies have shown that people who eat quickly are 2.5 times more likely to develop type 2 diabetes than people who eat normally.

The National Institutes of Health (National Institutes of Health) of the United States estimates that 34% of the adult population of the United States has Metabolic Syndrome and has warned that in the future, Metabolic Syndrome will be a greater risk factor for heart disease than smoking.

‘Eating quickly’ causes Metabolic Syndrome.

From the research of Dr. Takayuki Yamaji, a cardiologist from Hiroshima University, Japan. The study involved more than 1,000 healthy Japanese volunteers, with an average age of approximately 51 years. All of them had never had Metabolic Syndrome. These volunteers were divided into 3 groups according to their eating habits:

group of fast eaters Group of people who eat at a normal speed and the group of slow eaters By following the health of these volunteers for a period of 5 years, it was found that

Metabolic Syndrome occurred in 11.6% of the fast eaters, 6.5% of the fast eaters, and 2.3% of the slow eaters.

In the group of people who ate quickly, they gained more weight. Have a larger waistline and have higher blood sugar levels Compared to the group of people who eat normally and eat slowly. Eating food more slowly Eat cereal foods Foods high in fiber, vegetables, fruits, and more exercise can help prevent Metabolic Syndrome.

From a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, involving obese and underweight people. Eat the same type of food and the same amount of food per bite. It was found that obese people tend to chew food less than those who are underweight. Fat people chew quickly. Not chewing thoroughly and swallowing quickly When everyone was asked to chew their food 40 times per bite, both obese and underweight people ate less food.

There are many studies showing that People who eat quickly often have abnormal energy metabolism problems. Since the body must secrete insulin to control blood sugar levels, a simple method besides choosing to eat good food. In an appropriate amount That is, you have to try to remind yourself to eat more slowly. Chew food thoroughly (approximately 30-40 times per bite) or extend the time you eat per dish to at least 30-40 minutes.

Eat slowly, chew food thoroughly, it’s good for your health.

while we ate the food The brain receives signals from the stomach and intestines. The brain will give commands to make the body feel full. It took more than 20 minutes for the brain to act. People who eat quickly can’t keep up with the brain. Often eats everything before feeling full Makes you eat continuously until you get too much food.

When we eat more slowly Commands from the brain occur while we are still eating. Therefore, it makes us feel full before we eat too much. Eating food should take more than 20 minutes, or regarding 30 minutes, so that the brain can tell the body to feel full in time.

Eating slowly and chewing food thoroughly helps your digestive system work better. Increases blood flow to the stomach and intestines It also causes the body to burn more calories. Eating slowly and paying attention to the food you are eating It is also a practice to be mindful of what you are doing. Helps reduce stress from work and daily life.

Having good health is not difficult. Just pay attention to little things such as eating habits. The solution to eating quickly is simple, such as not taking large bites of food while chewing. If you can count the number of times you can chew, that would be good.

But if you feel like you are forcing your nature too much to have to count the number of times you chew. causing stress for no reason Chew food slowly and thoroughly. Put the fork down while chewing. Take at least 30 minutes to eat. You shouldn’t eat while working or watching TV. Eating with friends can help you eat more slowly. Practice until it becomes a habit. The habit of eating quickly will eventually disappear.

Techniques for eating more slowly are: Placing the spoon while chewing food scooping small bites of food Chewing food thoroughly The final method is to find someone to eat with because it has been found that having friends to eat with helps us eat less. Especially eating with someone you know. Maybe it was because of euphoria instead.

Benefits of eating slowly What does it help with?

Eating slowly increases the enjoyment of food. If we eat more slowly It will help increase interest in the food we are eating. Because you will be able to taste the full flavor of the food by eating little by little. This just makes us happier with eating. Eat slowly, easily digested. Eating food slowly. It will help the digestive system work better. Because digestion begins with chewing food, which requires the grinding of the teeth to help grind food pieces down into smaller sizes. to enter chemical digestion which is a change in the molecular size of nutrients by enzymes In contrast, eating quickly It may cause us to not chew food thoroughly enough. Resulting in indigestion. Eating slowly helps control weight. It takes regarding 20 minutes to slowly taste the food. It will make us feel more satisfied with food. At the same time, eat less. Eat slowly. Save money. When we eat more slowly, Spending less money that we have to spend on food. Because we have more time to think before deciding to buy. Don’t let yourself be hungry. Because when you feel very hungry It will make you eat, eat, eat quickly without forgetting your eyes and ears. relax before eating Emotions can shape eating behavior. If you’re stressed, it will cause you to eat quickly without any thought at all. Therefore, before eating, sit and rest for a moment, be mindful, and drink some water. Once you feel better, then slowly start eating. Use smaller utensils. Using smaller utensils will prevent you from eating quickly. Put the spoon down between each bite. Then chew longer, slowly letting your tongue and brain taste the taste at the same time.

How long should I take it?

Eating should take at least 20 minutes. Soft foods such as rice and bread should be chewed regarding 10 times. Hard foods such as meat and vegetables should be chewed regarding 20 times.

However, eating slowly helps your body absorb the food well. Chewing food thoroughly It will take less time for digestion. The body will be able to absorb nutrients more efficiently.

Including weight control The fact that we take longer to chew food It will help make us feel full quickly. and helps prevent weight from increasing or decreasing This results in a constant weight and strong teeth. Chewing longer will produce more saliva. and go help clean your teeth Helps reduce tooth decay. and reduce the accumulation of plaque.

How to ‘eat more slowly’ to help you lose weight

Many people are used to a lifestyle where everything is rushed. So I got used to eating quickly as well. I must say that eating quickly is a very bad habit. It affects weight. It has been found that 60% of people who eat too quickly also eat too much. Here are some ways to help your friends. Eating slowly is effective.

Don’t eat while in front of the screen. Eating in front of the TV, computer, smartphone, or other device can make your friends Eat food quickly and without focus It also makes friends I forgot how much I had eaten. Put the fork down between bites. This will help your friends. Slow down and enjoy each chew more. Don’t let yourself get too hungry. Avoid being very hungry between meals. It causes us to eat too quickly and make poor food decisions. Sip water throughout the day. Drinking water throughout your meal will help you feel full. Chew thoroughly. Chew food more often before swallowing. Chew each bite of food regarding 20-30 times. Eat foods rich in fiber. Foods that are high in fiber, such as fruits and vegetables, are foods that take a long time to chew. Taking small bites may help your friends. Eat slowly and make meals last longer. Eat mindfully Mindful eating is a powerful tool. It will make us focus on what we eat. Enjoy eating but don’t overeat. It’s also an exercise in self-control.

refer:Faculty of Pharmacy Mahidol University ,Central Hospital medical office Bangkok ,Vichaiyut Hospital , healthandtrend

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