Slovakia ignores EU warning and bans grain imports from Ukraine

2023-04-17 17:59:44

Slovakia has become the third EU country to ban food imports from Ukraine, brushing aside warnings from Brussels over the potential illegality of the move.

Poland and Hungary announced their bans at the weekend, with all three countries saying that a mountain of imported Ukrainian grain was depressing prices and causing hardship for their farmers. Warsaw and Budapest’s bans will last until June 30.

The European Commission, the bloc’s executive arm, has warned that trade is a joint EU competence and governments cannot take unilateral measures.

The EU dropped tariffs and quotas on Ukrainian foodstuffs until June following its invasion by Russia because of fears that the world might go hungry.

But much of the Ukrainian grain entering the bloc has remained in neighbouring countries, leading to protests by farmers.

On Monday, Slovakia said it would bar all cereals, soyabeans, sugar, fruit, vegetables, wine and honey. Ukrainian food can transit the country but only in sealed containers.

Bulgaria and Romania told fellow member states at a meeting of diplomats in Brussels on Monday that they too were considering a ban, according to EU officials. The Czech Republic, where farmers are also complaining, said it preferred a European solution.

Some countries expressed fears that the division over Ukraine would play into Russia’s hands.

The commission is set to pledge further aid from its €450mn emergency agricultural reserve in the next few days, officials said. Poland, Bulgaria and Romania were offered €56mn recently and the next tranche will probably be extended to Slovakia and Hungary, although the total has yet to be announced.

Despite the bans, EU countries will probably prolong tariff-free access for Ukrainian food for another year at a meeting on Thursday, two diplomats told the Financial Times.

“There is a qualified majority of member states who want to extend,” said one.

The European Commission said on Monday that Brussels was still seeking details of the legal foundations for the measures implemented by Poland and Hungary, limiting imports from Ukraine.

It said that “unilateral action” was not possible by member states under EU trade policy as it was a matter of exclusive Brussels competence.

It is rare that member states impose national restrictions outside an emergency such as the Covid pandemic.

“We need to understand under which basis these countries are introducing such import bans,” the commission said.

“It’s important to continue supporting Ukraine in these very challenging times while, of course, we are aware of the impact on EU farmers.”

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