Sleeping well ‘can lengthen your life’

With busy professional and social lives, getting enough sleep is often impossible.

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But according to new research from the United States, ensuring you get eight hours of sleep every night not only supports heart and overall health, it can also impact longevity.

After analyzing data from more than 172,000 people, scientists reported that among people who met measures of sleep quality – including ideal duration, not using sleeping pills and feeling well rested five days a week – life expectancy was 4.7 years higher for men and 2.4 years for women compared to those who had none of these factors or met only one only

And compared to people who had none or only one of the sleep-promoting factors, those with five factors were 30% less likely to die from any reason, 21% less likely to die from cardiovascular disease, 19% less likely to die from cancer and 40% less likely to die from causes other than heart disease or cancer.

“If people have all of these ideal sleep behaviors, they’re more likely to live longer,” said study co-author Dr. Frank Qian.

“So if we can improve sleep in general – and identifying sleep disorders is particularly important – we might be able to prevent some of this premature mortality.”

“Even from an early age, if people can develop these good sleep habits of getting enough sleep, making sure they sleep without too many distractions, and having good sleep hygiene in general, it can greatly benefit their overall long-term health, he continued. It is important for young people to understand that many health behaviors are cumulative over time. Just as we like to say it’s never too late to exercise or quit smoking, it’s never too early either. And we should talk regarding sleep and assess it more often.”

Full study results will be presented at the American College of Cardiology’s annual scientific session concurrent with the World Congress of Cardiology in March.



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