Sleeping kids raise their hands!Kindergarten lunch break “pretend to sleep test” the whole class is a teacher | ETtoday Mainland News | ETtoday News Cloud

Reporter Cai Shaojian / Comprehensive Report

A teacher at a kindergarten in Jinan, Shandong province recently said, “A sleeping child raises his hand” when the children were taking a nap. As a result, almost all the children were fooled and raised their hands, exposing the fact that they were not asleep.

According to Lu media reports, the incident happened on September 28. It was nap time in the kindergarten. The children were already lying in the quilts and closed their eyes.

▼Almost all the children raised their hands. (Picture / flipping Weibo)

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However, the teacher said mischievously, “Are you all asleep? Come on, the sleeping child raises your hand!” As a result, almost the whole class of children were fooled and raised their hands innocently, revealing that they were not asleep at all. .

The child’s father said that the teacher usually plays with the children and is very popular with the children. Like a “confidant mother”, he gets along well.

In fact, this is not the first time that a similar video has appeared. A kindergarten teacher in Pingdingshan, Henan also tested the children in the class last year, and the result was that almost all the children in the class were fooled, and even some children squinted to steal Look, the teacher mightn’t help laughing, “So many people are asleep!”



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