Sleep Health Solutions: The Benefits of an Adjustable Electric Bed with Lunio Rise

2024-01-29 06:06:08

If anyone has back pain, neck pain or has an elderly person. Bedridden patients at risk of developing pressure sores adjustable bed It may be the answer to your sleep health needs the most. and should choose a brand that is reliable There is a warranty like the Lunio Rise electric bed.

An electric bed that helps you sleep more comfortably. The bed can be adjusted to suit the sleeper’s body. Helps keep the spine in correct alignment Helps reduce pressure on the body and helps to relax more

The bed is a hybrid latex mattress. Controlled with your fingertips, no matter what level you sit, lie down, or recline. Most importantly, it’s guaranteed for up to 10 years!

Summary of features

  • Recommend the right sleeping position for you
  • There is a mode to reduce pressure. Provides better blood circulation
  • There is a mode to help the upper respiratory tract work better. Reduces the risk of snoring.
  • adjustable bed Remembers the right sleeping position for you

Who is an electric bed suitable for?

  • All genders and ages who want to increase their comfort in sleeping.
  • Elderly people who want convenience in use

For a more relaxing break.

adjustable bed frame Made from good quality steel, durable, strong, able to support a maximum weight of 385 kg. Has a wireless remote control for easy adjustment with just your fingertips. There is a steel divider at the foot of the bed to prevent the mattress from sliding off. There are modes of use for healthy sleep as follows:

    Electric bed remembers your preferred level without having to adjust it repeatedly. for convenience and quick for rest
  • Anti-Snore mode relieves snoring.
    Adjust your head 12-30 degrees higher to help your upper airway work better. Reduce the risk of snoring.
  • Zero Gravity mode relieves neck and back pain.
    Adjust your feet so they are higher than your head. Relieve pressure on the spine Helps blood flow better. Reduce fatigue

Lunio Rise also relieves acid reflux symptoms. Helps with digestion Reduce heartburn and acid reflux Because you don’t have to lie down.

Helps reduce the risk of pressure sores. The bed can be adjusted to raise the head and legs. Helps blood flow better. Helps reduce pressure on the skin. And reduce the risk of pressure sores in bedridden or elderly patients.

  • Price normally 29,900, now 20,900


This electric bed can accommodate a 5-foot and 6-foot mattress so that the bed structure can be adjusted according to this model of mattress. It is recommended to buy it together with a mattress from Lunio.

Buying a pair is more worthwhile. Bed with mattress Lunio

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