Sleep disturbances and Heart Attack Warning Signs: Understanding the Link and Prevention Strategies

2023-10-06 13:01:20

A report published in Heart and Lung: The Journal of Cardiopulmonary and Acute Care discussed some potential causes of the observed sleep disturbances. Thus, they were closely associated with anxiety, fatigue and pain, as well as changes in thinking and memory. Taken together, these symptoms may be an important warning sign of an impending heart attack, the researchers note.

Moreover, it is well known that women and men with poor cardiovascular health regularly suffer from short sleep, too much sleep and other distortions.

It is very important to monitor yourself, because, according to WHO estimates, 80% of premature heart attacks and strokes can be prevented.

We automatically consider chest pain on the left to be pain in the heart, and at the same time a symptom of a heart attack. But in fact, it can also be muscle pain; stomach problems also sometimes manifest themselves this way.

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