Sleep, diet… How not to get sick when the cold returns

2023-10-13 08:27:42

The late heat has resisted but autumn is looming with a drop in the mercury this weekend in France. And the arrival of the first cool weather is regularly accompanied by winter viruses.

“People tell us: we don’t feel well, we have a runny nose, we sneeze…” says Jocelyne Gaudin, pharmacist in the Paris region. This Friday, rain arrives from the west of the country. Over the weekend, it will be accompanied by a significant drop in temperatures, finally signaling the arrival of autumn.

As Public Health France points out on its site, the drop in temperatures is often accompanied by an increase in infectious diseases: “colds, flu, nasopharyngitis, gastroenteritis…”, to which is now added Covid-19.

“They come to get us throat lozenges, they are tired…” confirms Jocelyne Gaudin.

Renew the air

However, it is not so much the cold itself that directly makes you sick but what it implies in terms of changes to our habits when winter arrives. When the mercury is low, our lifestyles are more conducive to contagion from seasonal infections.

In fact, we stay indoors more often, in enclosed and unventilated spaces. You should therefore remember to ventilate each room of the home every day, for at least 10 minutes, in order to renew the air inside houses, apartments or workplaces.

It is also advisable to go out for some fresh air, despite the cold or unfriendly weather, by covering up. And when the weather is sunny, this allows us to produce vitamin D, essential “in the quality of bone and muscle tissue as well as in strengthening our immune system”, explains ANSES.

Eat healthy

In winter, it is important to maintain a balanced diet that provides all the necessary nutrients. Although it is often tempting to eat fatty, hearty meals on cool days, the body actually expends “very few extra calories during extreme cold, which is why you should not eat more in winter.” explains Paris Health Insurance.

“It is also advisable to consume honey, known for its antibacterial properties,” she adds on her site. Among the best-known products, we can turn to royal jelly and propolis. You should also make sure to hydrate well by drinking water and hot drinks.

Barrier gestures

Sport is also an excellent ally for staying in good health since “exercise helps with the self-cleaning of the respiratory tract”, explains Health Insurance.

Health professionals also recommend sleeping well, as a tired body defends itself less well once morest viruses and various external attacks. “This is why a minimum of eight hours of sleep per night is recommended in order to get quality sleep for your health.”

Finally, to both avoid getting sick and slow down transmissions, there remain the gestures that we now know by heart. Public Health France recommends washing your hands regularly and drying them well followingwards. To blow your nose, it is better to use paper tissues, to throw them in a closed trash can, and cover your mouth with your elbow if you cough or sneeze.

#Sleep #diet.. #sick #cold #returns



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