Slava Turbo Kopeikin, Gleb Kalyuzhny and the “revived” Yeralash from “The Boy’s Word”: a party for “Difficult Teenagers”

2023-12-15 13:03:00

The new season of “Difficult Teens”, as it became known, is the final one. The creators of the hit movie had never organized high-profile parties before, but they could not help but celebrate such a significant event as the end of the project. The event, which was organized by the Wink video service together with VK Music and the film studio Prospect production, was held in a huge banquet hall in the center of the capital and brought together many young stars, among whom were actors from the series “The Boy’s Word,” which thundered throughout the country.

#Slava #Turbo #Kopeikin #Gleb #Kalyuzhny #revived #Yeralash #Boys #Word #party #Difficult #Teenagers

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